“But on Wednesday I’ll definitely come,” Tariq added, hoping to cheer the boy up a little. Owen did sit up straighter with interest, though he still wasn’t as enthusiastic as usual.
“There’s no need for him to promise,” Emelia jumped in. She crossed the room, sinking down beside Owen and giving his shoulders a little squeeze. Tariq felt the words as a rejection. She didn’t want him to make a promise that he would break. “Do you mind playing with your airplanes by yourself for ten minutes? I need to walk Tariq back to his office.”
“Do you have to go?” Owen asked, a little whine creeping into his voice.
Tariq glanced at his watch and nodded. “Sorry, buddy.”
“That’s okay.” Owen turned back to the planes while Emelia gave him a quick kiss on the head before standing, giving a sideways nod to ask Tariq to join her. Tariq ruffled Owen’s hair once more before stepping out into the hallway.
“I’m sorry about the dinner,” he began, before Emelia could say anything.
“It’s okay. I just wanted to ask if there’s anything you want to tell me.” Her eyes were searching and for a moment, Tariq wondered if she already knew that Tariq was keeping the two of them secret.
“No,” Tariq said softly.
“Okay.” Emelia turned towards his office. “Come on, I can walk you partway. It’s just that this is really hard for Owen. He’s so excited to have you in his life and it’s hard for him when you’re not there.”
“I know.” And Tariq did know, because it was hard for him not to be there, too. He’d only just found his son, only just reunited with the woman he lov— cared deeply about. He wanted to shout it from the rooftops and never let them out of his sight. Did Emelia feel the same way? “I’m sorry. I wish I weren’t so busy.”
“I get that you’re busy.” Emelia gave a half smile. “Maybe we can make things easier for you. We could meet you at your offices for lunch, maybe, or even stop by your rooms for breakfast. Or maybe when you go out into the city for an appearance, we could come with you on the sidelines. I know it must be incredibly stressful to run a country, but you don’t have to do it alone.” She reached out, slipping her soft hand into his. “I can help you. I’m sure we can find a way to spend more time together as a family.”
It sounded so perfect that Tariq felt his whole heart warm. Emelia wanted to be there for him, to help him, just like he wanted to be there for her. All her ideas were wonderful. If only he could be seen with them in public, it would all work. He imagined lunches and breakfasts together, Owen cutting the ribbon to open a new school with Tariq’s help, even Emelia attending some of his meetings and offering her thoughts, like Tariq’s mother had with his father. But each idea was cut sharply off by the facts: the Al Salyan traditionalists would never let that happen. They would sooner see Tariq out of power than see him with an American woman and a son he’d had when he was twenty-two.
“These are great ideas,” Tariq said gently. “Maybe someday we can try some of them.”
“Just like someday I can explore Adan and get a job if I want to?” Emelia asked. Her voice was still quiet, but it was a little sharper now.
Tariq’s heart pinched, but he nodded. “I’m sorry. I wish it were different.”
“But it could be.” Now annoyance had crept into Emelia’s voice — and rightfully so, Tariq had to admit. “If we could work together as a team, instead of you calling all the shots, we could figure out a way to make all this better. For you and for me and most importantly, for Owen.”
“We are a team,” Tariq said.
“It doesn’t feel like it. I’ll see you later, okay?” With that, Emelia let go of Tariq’s hand and turned crisply to walk back down the hallway. Her skirt swirled around her legs in a way that would have been captivating if they weren’t both so upset.
With a slow sigh, Tariq headed back to his office. There was nothing else to be done.
The next day, Tariq was distracted through the whole state dinner. So much so that he almost missed a joke by the German ambassador and laughed a beat too late, causing stares. Much worse was that, around eight fifteen when the dinner was just getting started, he ducked out. Leaving the dignitaries poking at their salads and exchanging small talk, he raced up the stairs to Emelia’s rooms and knocked.
“We weren’t expecting you,” Emelia said when she answered, a look of surprise spreading across her face. Tariq squinted, looking for her usual excitement at seeing him, but wasn’t sure if it was there. “Aren’t you supposed to be at that dinner?”
“Yes,” Tariq confirmed. “But I didn’t want to miss tucking Owen in again. Is it okay if I give him a quick hug before I run back?”
Emelia nodded, stepping aside. “He’d in bed looking at a book. I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to see you.” Tariq couldn’t help but notice that she looked disappointed, though she covered it with a smile.
“Thank you.” Tariq headed back to Owen’s bedrooms, where he gave the little boy a hug and tucked the blankets in tighter. On the way back out, he paused next to Emelia in the hall.
“Sorry I don’t have longer,” he said, reaching out to brush back a strand of her hair. His fingers lingered against her cheek, feeling the warmth and softness, until she looked down and he pulled his hand away.
“It’s okay. It was nice of you to come see Owen. Will we, um, do something tonight?”
Tariq’s shoulders slumped. “Probably not. This dinner could go really late.”
“No problem,” Emelia said. She was still smiling, but there was something sad behind it. Tariq knew it was a problem. He just didn’t know what to do about it. In that moment, if he could have packed Emelia and Owen up and moved with them to an island somewhere, he would have done it. Only his duty to his people held him back.
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.