“Oh Mom,” I whisper, pulling my legs together.
Tears run freely down my cheeks now. My mom is here. Everything is going to be okay. She can see what a creep Dan is. She’ll get rid of him and it’ll go back to just being the two of us. We’ll find another little apartment. I’ll get a job and we’ll make it work.
“You just couldn’t see me happy, could you, Amelia?” my mom asks, shaking her head.
For a second it doesn’t compute. I shake my head?
“How could you?” she screams.
“What?” I blurt out, shocked.
“Don’t you want me to be happy?” she asks, her voice suddenly breaking.
Happy? Am I stuck in a nightmare? “Mom, he’s a fucking useless alcoholic who just tried to rape your daughter.”
“You seduced me,” Dan mutters, all the slur gone from his voice.
“Shut up,” Mom throws at him viciously before she turns on me again. “You walk around here in your little outfits, begging for Dan’s attention,” my mom says, mirroring Dan’s untrue observation about my skimpy attire. “But I let it go. I told myself you were just seeking attention. You wouldn’t actually try to steal my man, but…”
“Steal your man? Can you hear yourself, Mom? You’re delusional.” I look Dan up and down and shake my head. “You think I want to stealhim? I wouldn’t have him if he was the last man on earth.”
Mom steps forward and slaps me hard across the face, leaving behind a stinging, burning patch.
“Show a little respect,” she snaps, her face white with anger and hurt.
Dan grins, triumphant. I have no idea how this has happened. My mom came home and literally caught Dan trying to force himself onto me, and somehow, it’s my fault?
“Mom, you heard me screaming,” I plead. “Why would I have been screaming if I wanted this?”
My mom pauses for a second and then the hard look on her face softens.
“You’re a pretty girl Amelia, and you like to show yourself off. It would be a strange man that didn’t find you attractive. Maybe you’re just naïve and didn’t know this would happen. This is my fault. I should have warned you what you were doing. You need to be more considerate of Dan’s feelings.”
“It’s not your fault, Vi,” Dan says quickly. “It’s hers. She’s been flirting with me ever since you two moved in here. I should have said something, but I didn’t want to hurt you.”
My mom shakes her head and sighs. “I know it’s been hard for you.”
“I love you, babe,” he says pathetically.
Mom nods. “I love you too, hon. Let’s just put this behind us, ok? Amelia, apologize to Dan, then you can go and start peeling the potatoes.”
I just stare at her, my jaw hanging open. The betrayal is too much. I almost can’t recognize my mom. Does she really want me to apologize to him knowing what he just tried to do to me? Well, maybe it’s ok with her, but I know I’m sure as hell am NOT going to apologize to Dan.
“Amelia?” Mom prompts.
I stare at her defiantly.
“It’s ok, Vi,” Dan says sweetly. He puts his meaty hand on her shoulder and she looks at him. “Give her some time to think about this. She’ll come around. Right Amelia?”
I’m too shocked and distressed to say anything. I can’t bring myself to even look at Mom, but I shrug my shoulders. I want them out of my room and I think this might be the only way to do it.
“Fine, Mom says in a hard voice. “Stay in your room and take a moment to think about how you could have broken our family up. And don’t come out until you’re ready to take responsibility for your actions and apologize to Dan.”
“And to your mom,” Dan adds. “You’ve caused her a lot of stress over these last few months, but you really outdid yourself this time.”
Mom leaves the room, and Dan follows her. On his best behavior now. He closes my door quietly behind him. I stare at the old wooden door
I want nothing more than to lay on my bed face down and sob my little heart out. How could my mom take his side like this? Turning a blind eye to his drinking and his temper is one thing, but this? He was going to rape me. Does she really think so little of me that she believes I tried to steal Dan from her? Even if I did flirt with him which I would never do. Not just because he disgusts me, but also out of principle, how could she accept him back after this. She obviously doesn’t think much of Dan either. She obviously thinks he’s too weak to say no to anyone who flashes him a come-on.