On Monday, it came as no surprise to hear that Robert and all his Belize connections were also being scrutinized for tax evasion by the IRS. I smiled as I listened to that piece of news. It was amazing what one call to the right person in a government agency pointing them in the right direction could do.
I gave that one another few days to sink in before I added the cherry on top of the shit fest sundae of Robert’s destruction. More files. More incriminating proof of Robert secreting money into offshore accounts.
A few weeks later, I had my day in court.
I walked in calmly and took a seat. Savannah sat beside me while we waited for Robert to enter. We saw him before he saw us. His swagger was gone, his face was gaunt, his hair seemed brittle and a harsh yellow; and his expensive suit hung on him. We watched as he took his place in the defendant’s seat, his lawyer beside him.
The trial was a quick one.
I had done my homework. As Robert’s company fell apart, I had seen to it that certain key players had been rounded up, specifically those Robert had used to help frame me all those years ago. In exchange for suspended sentences of collusion, they agreed to testify against him.
It was an open and shut case.
Testimony after testimony spoke of the plot to frame me for embezzlement. Each confirmed their role in getting me to initiate contracts which could be used as proof of my writing bogus checks. It had been a plot that was a year in the making.
When I took the stand and faced him for the first time in weeks, I knew he was a done man. His hateful sneer made him ugly, and I wondered how I could have befriended someone like him even as a child. I realized he must have always hated my guts.
As I sat in that witness stand and testified against my childhood friend and former business partner, I was surprised to feel all the bitterness I’d stored up inside me for those four years seep away. He stood up, and his lawyer tried desperately to hold him back, but his narcissistic personality was unable to accept he had lost, and he gave in to one last outburst filled with obscenities at me. I saw him for what he was. A washed-up, pitiful loser who could have had everything, but allowed his envy and greed to destroy everything. I didn’t hate him anymore.
Finally, I could close the chapter on Robert Steinberg. With time I would get my criminal record expunged. After that I would never again give him even a moment of my time.
I turned my head and looked at Savannah. She smiled softly at me. There. That there, was my future. All rosy and beautiful. I smiled back.
Six Months Later
-love me like you do-
It was six in the morning. and the vampires were all gone, but to be safe I would wait another hour before I ventured out.
I closed my book and stretched, luxuriating in the warm sun that kissed my bare skin. The weather was wonderfully warm and I could not have asked for a better birthday present than a trip to the beach. I rubbed a dab of sunscreen on my legs as a waiter approached us.
“Your Pina Coladas,” he said, with a big smile.
“Thank you.” I smiled and tipped him.
As he sauntered away, beside me, Max stirred from his nap. He yawned and looked over at me. Even in the shade of the umbrella, his eyes shone brilliantly. “Hello, Sexy,” he drawled, his eyes skimming slowly over my bikini clad body.
I leaned over and dropped a gentle kiss on his lips. “Thank you for this gift. I needed it. As a matter of fact,weneeded it. The last few months have been nonstop and it feels like we’re finally slowing down to take a breath. Heck, I couldn’t sleep for days until I knew he was locked away.”
“Put him out of your mind, Savannah. Justice has been served. He’s behind bars serving time for his crimes. Karma’s a bitch as they say.”
I took both cocktails and handed one to him. I took a sip of my cold drink. “I’m glad it’s over.”
“Do you know how beautiful you look right now?” he asked softly.
I looked into his eyes and felt my mouth dry. There was so much emotion in his eyes. “No,” I croaked.
“Then let me show you,” he muttered, as he stood he scooped me into his arms, and carried me across the hot sand towards our hotel suite. For a long while Max made me feel like the most beautiful woman on earth. Afterwards, when Max had gone to the other room to make some calls, I lazily turned to my side and dialed my mother’s number.
Benny and her had a spectacular wedding in December on a rare sunny day. It had been a beautiful winter wonderland. Max and I had sent them off to a warmer climate for their two-week honeymoon. Ever since then both of them gave the distinct impression that they were totally enjoying married life. I could not be happier for them.
After the call I took a nap, leaving Max still on the phone. I dreamed I was running through a meadow of flowers, and behind me, two children followed. A boy and a girl. They looked like small chubby versions of Max. I turned around and gathered them into my arms. They were as light as feathers. My beautiful feathers.