Page 75 of The CEO's Revenge

He sat on a battered armchair and looked sideways at me. “Savannah looks at you the way my Pris looks at me, you know.

I smiled. “I know.”

“You should do something about that. Something like what I did.”

“Oh, I intend to do just that, Benny. I have a few more loose ends to tie up, but as soon as those are done, I’ll be joining you by hanging up my bachelor ways.”

“I gotta say, we snagged the two best women out there.”

“I’ll drink to that.”




Iwent into the office the next morning. It was business as usual. But then about noon, there was a buzz. I could hear loud discussions taking place and shouts of disbelief. Not even five minutes later, there was a frantic knock on my door.

“Come in!” I invited.

“Max!” Nina, one of my software specialists burst into the office. “You’re never going to believe what happened! Have you seen the midday news?”


Without hesitation, she put my laptop on my desk and tapped the keys a few times before turning the screen back to me. There was a rebroadcast.

Information coming into the newsroom is that Robert Steinberg’s company is responsible for a breach of client confidentiality. The breach occurred when their latest software malfunctioned, compromising the private information of clients. This compromise has led to some of their clients’ databases being hacked and exposed, resulting in losses which are already in the millions and still climbing. As we speak, the lawsuits are piling up and from all indications Steinberg is in a lot of hot water. More at seven as we continue to track this developing story.

“Hmmm. Interesting.”

“But I don’t understand. Isn’t this the same software system we’re supposed to be working on for release next week?”

“One and the same.”

“But how did he get it?”

“I gave it to him.”

Her eyes popped. “Youwhat!?”

I smiled. “Don’t worry about it, Nina. Worry about this instead: the influx of customers who are going to be beating down our doors to reverse this damage.”

“It’s already started. Sales have already been flooded with calls.”

“Good. Christmas bonuses are looking good this year.”

She smiled and shook her head. “I don’t know what you did, but I’m glad you know how to fight dirty. I wouldn’t want to cross you.”

I laughed. “That’s good to know.”

She left the office and I leaned back in my chair. Then I summoned my secretary.

“What’s going on?” she asked, her face showing nothing except a natural curiosity about the unusual activity going on around her.

I marveled at her coolness. “Nothing much, other than you’re fired.”