“Hook, line and sinker. He even checked it on the spot to make sure it was the real thing.”
Jasper Jackson chuckled on the other end of the line. “You sure read him right.”
“Yes, it’s the one thing he forgot. His enemy knows him too well. You ready?”
“Just say when.”
I smiled in the dark. “When.”
I listened to Jasper tap a few keys on his end. “Done.”
“How long?”
“Thirty-six to forty-eight hours. That should give him enough time to make his move.”
“If I know him, he’s already loading it onto his company’s platform. This is the system he jerks off to. He thinks it’s going to solve all his problems.”
“Good. He won’t know what hit him.”
“Thanks, Jasper. The balance will be in your account first thing Monday morning.”
“No problem.”
I disconnected the call and sat looking out of the window for a few moments. The world was asleep. I thought I would feel something different, but there was a vague feeling of relief. He was gone from our lives.
“Who were you talking to just now?”
I turned to see Savannah standing in the doorway. I smiled and went to stand in front of her, pulling her into my arms.
“Just a friend about a software issue I’m having.”
“At this time of the morning?”
“No time like the present, babe.” I kissed her softly as my body brushed hers.
She chuckled as she raised her arms to wrap around my neck. “You’re insatiable.”
“Can you blame me? I sat in a prison cell and longed for you for four long years, Savannah.”
“I know. We have so much to make up for, but I don’t want to be the death of you.”
“Bury me at your feet.”
“You’ve become morbid in your old age, but you’ll do.”
She stroked my already hard cock and led me back to bed.
* * *
We did not stiruntil almost the next morning and only rolled out of bed because we were having lunch with Priscilla and Benny.
Lunch was a light-hearted affair. I only half-listened as they discussed their wedding plans. It seemed they were looking at a Christmas wedding. After lunch Priscilla and Savannah went off to the bedroom and Benny and I headed to the garage, where he kept a good bottle of cognac.
He poured us a glass each. The aroma of it filled my nostrils. I raised my glass. “Here’s to married life.”
“To married life,” he echoed, taking a sip. “After fifty-two years, I’m going to have to turn in my bachelor card, but it’s worth it. Priscilla is all I’ve ever wanted in a woman.”
“It’s clear that she feels the same way about you.”