Page 47 of The CEO's Revenge

I satin my usual spot at the counter and ordered another drink. I checked my watch again. Savannah was a stickler for keeping time, but it was now past eight-thirty. A sudden fear pierced through me. What if something bad had happened to her? I calmed myself down. I shouldn’t care this much about her.

She was just someone I was fucking and using. A means to get my revenge on Robert.

Nevertheless, I felt restless and uneasy. My stomach churned and my mind filled with images of her caught up in a traffic accident somewhere. I had just picked up my phone to call her when I saw him approaching. The raw rage that welled up inside me made me tighten my fists until my knuckles whitened.

“I’ll have what he’s drinking,” he called to the bartender as he took the stool next to me. I smelled the liquor on his breath and could tell he’d already had a few.

I kept my gaze on the row of bottles. Was this the reason Savannah was late? To give him a chance to gloat? He always did count his chickens before they were laid, and he must be feeling he’d won ever since his people figured out the code. He had no idea the last part was the cracker.

“Isn’t this like old times, Maxxie boy?”

“Go to hell, Robert,” I said without looking at him.

“Max! Is that any way to greet your old friend and partner?” he said in a fake jolly voice.

I turned to look at him, and there he was puffed up with hairspray and confidence. He could barely contain his narcissism and swagger. “You were neither a friend or partner if you could even think of doing what you did to me.”

His eyes widened dramatically. He was really enjoying this. “What I did to you? All I was trying to do was protect my company.”

“Cut the bullshit, Robert. You have no audience here. You’re talking to the guy you framed.”

“Are you still harping on about that? You’ve got no proof I did anything of the sort. Money was going missing and the trail led to you.”

“You know, I’ve always been curious. How did you do it?”

He laughed strangely, victoriously, knowing that he was beyond the law. I turned to find him staring at me evilly. He leaned in closer. “Signatures, my boy. You were too involved in your numbers and codes to notice all the checks going out with your name on it.”

I could not believe what I was hearing. Robert was finally admitting that he had indeed framed me. At that moment, in my peripheral vision, I saw Savannah approaching. She had a small smile on her lips which slipped the instant she saw Robert. I saw something akin to panic as her steps faltered. She took a brief moment to school her features before coming to stop behind Robert. He turned to look at her, then he laughed, and looked back at me.

He shook his head. “Poor Max. You always were a sucker for a pretty face and so damn easy to manipulate too. Why do you think our little gold digger here has rekindled her relationship with you even though she saw you spread out on the bed with a whore? Because I paid her to. It was so easy was too!”

Trust Robert to use people and discard them. What a way to compromise Savannah and expose her as his ally. Two things occurred to me in that split-second I watched as the color drained from Savannah’s face before she turned and ran out of the bar. One: she was not working for him. Two: she might be a gold digger, but she wasmygold digger.

A part of me wanted to punch Robert’s lights out, but he was not my most important consideration. He would keep for later. I wanted to go after Savannah.

Wordlessly, I threw a bunch of bills on the counter and moved past Robert as he continued to laugh drunkenly.

“That’s it, run after her, Maxxie. Gosh! One of these days I hope she gives me a taste of that body. It must be one hell of a pussy to?”

Whatever else he was going to say was silenced when my clenched fist slammed into his face. He slid into an unconscious pile between the stools as I raced out into the night and looked around. Savannah’s car was nowhere to be seen. I jumped into my car and sped into the night. I could only hope that she had gone back home.

I got to her complex just as she was parking. She looked up at me as she hastened across the parking lot.


“Leave me alone,” she jerked out.

I raced after her, catching her on the landing. She turned to face me and I could see the tears coursing down her cheeks. I pried her keys from between her fingers and went ahead to her apartment. She followed.

As soon as the door closed behind us, I pulled her into my arms. Her hands curled into fists which she pressed into my chest, fighting my embrace. I crushed my lips against hers as I pressed her against the door. My hand found hers and I forced her fist open and intertwined our fingers. I took advantage of her gasp to slip my tongue into her mouth. I felt her go soft against me. Without hesitation, I pulled up the hem of her skirt and cupped her pussy. Then I moved the crotch of her panties to the side. I found her clit and worked my magic even as I maneuvered my zipper down to free myself.

I pushed her up against the wall and plunged into her eager pussy. My mouth continued to plunder hers as she wrapped her legs around my waist. We moved with an urgency as our bodies thrust and strained against each other. When I felt the first flutters deep within, a surge of blood rushed to my cock. I ripped my mouth away from hers and threw my head back.

“Oh fuck!”

Belatedly, I realized I had broken my vow of nonchalance. I pressed my forehead to hers, kissing her softly as I held her waist tightly. Holding her tightly in my arms, I took her to the bedroom and undressed her.

I did not know how many times we made love that night. All I knew was I wanted to erase the pain Robert had caused her. Despite the fact Savannah had allowed herself to be bought by him, she still did not deserve to be humiliated by anyone, let alone a useless lowlife like him.