Page 49 of By Any Other Name

“Don’t do that,” he says.

I gasp for breath, and try to focus. “What?”

“Don’t cover your mouth. I want to hear you, Etta. It’s up to you to make sure no one comes running.”

I blink. Holy shit. “And what if I do cover my mouth?”

He stops moving his fingers. “Then I’ll stop.”

I completely believe him, and I hate that I’m not stubborn enough to tell him to fuck off and stop touching me right now if he’s going to play games like that. I lower my hands back to the arms of the chair. “Better?”

His smile grows wider. “Good girl.”

Gods, I’m fucked.

Without warning, he pushes his fingers all the way inside me and my back bows, my intake of breath so loud that I might as well have screamed. And then his tongue is back on my clit, his lips are kissing and sucking over me, and my hips are moving without my permission.

I feel like I could speak in tongues and it would make absolute sense, like I’m nothing but sensation and color. My breathing is too sharp and too much, and then I’m rising and falling back down, shattering with his name on my lips.

I lie there for a good minute, knowing I should move and unable to, my legs shaking, until I hear his voice.

“I knew it.”

Act Three


Four Years Ago


ETTA (17), ROMAN (18)

The taste of Rosaline’s wintergreen gum fills my mouth as she swipes her tongue over mine. I grab the back of her head, trying to tilt her head up to a more convenient angle, and she whimpers. I don’t know if I’m hurting her, pulling on her curly, chestnut ponytail, or if she thinks I’m into it when she makes noises like that.

I don’t know what it says about me that I don’t care either way.

The minutes tick by in my head—my strangely accurate internal clock knowing we have about five minutes until the end of H block, when this stairwell will flood with our classmates moving to their next period.

I push Rose harder against the faded brick wall and run my hand up the inside of her thigh under her pleated plaid skirt. I’m almost shocked when she makes no move to stop me—not even a false protest.“We can’t do this here.”Or,“Let’s go out to your car.”

The first few times we hooked up were like that, but maybe now she’s realized I don’t want her in the back seat of my SUV in the back of the student parking lot, or anywhere else where no one will see us. That’s never been the point.

I think if she’s honest with herself Rose feels the same way about me. We accessorize each other well, but we’re not dating.

The door at the top of the stairs bangs open and footsteps clatter against the marble, coming around the corner at the top of the landing above us. Instead of stopping, I press closer to Rosaline, sucking her bottom lip into my mouth as my fingers snake their way under the cotton lace of her panties.

“Fuck! Are there no safe stairs in this place?” a familiar voice barks.

I freeze, surprised, and turn my head too quickly, nearly knocking Rose’s head back against the wall.

Bennet raises an eyebrow at me as he descends the stairs toward us, Pierce close on his heels. They’re both wearing their maroon and navy uniforms, but while Bennet’s tie is straight, his hair combed, Pierce looks like he got dressed in a wind-tunnel.

Rose looks from my friends to me and rolls her eyes. “Shit.”

I don’t reply. I don’t trust myself to say anything.

Rosaline ducks out from under my arm, picks up her abandoned messenger back off the landing, and smoothes her ponytail. “See you this afternoon?”