Stealth and I retreat to just outside the cell. “There’s a medicine cabinet down the way,” he says. “Might be some chloroform in there. Want me to go look?” He read my mind.
I nod. If Cora can’t get through to Jud, we’ll knock him out chemically. The mental aftermath of his torture and captivity, we can deal with, but only if he’s alive.
Stealth stalks down the hall at a brisk pace, off to find a means of dealing with an uncooperative patient.
I shift from foot to foot in the cell doorway, antsy. I don’t know what Cora has in mind, but I recognize her look of determination. I’ve seen this woman conquer a lot in the weeks since I’ve known her. But getting Jud on his feet is going to be a tall fucking order.
She stands in front of him, feet planted. It’s a squaring-off pose. “Jud,” she says, and when he starts to argue not to call him that, she snaps, “No. You’ve said enough. Now it’s your turn to listen to me.”
He tilts his head. She’s got his attention.
“You’re abdicating your throne? Fine. If you’re not the leader of Eagle Peak anymore, that makes me theQueen,and what I say goes.”
Nice,chér. Bold move.This could actually work.
“You want to rot in this cell and break the hearts of every one of your brothers,” she says. “Fine. You want to die in this hellhole and let Raptor win, fine. But I’m not staying here a minute longer. Every second I’m in enemy territory, I’m in danger. So, I’m leaving. But not before I take what’s mine.” She crouches and reaches for Jud’s belt.
The hell is she doing?
Jud mumbles something unintelligible, but clearly angry. Angry is good. It’s better than apathy. He grabs her wrist, stopping her from whatever her goal is.
“If you want me to understand you,” she says, “You’ll have to speak clearly,Rick.” She emphasizes his given name, and I see his shoulders rise. He doesn’t like her calling him that. This is good.
Atta girl,chér.Keep it up.
Jud leans into her space, still gripping her wrist. “I said, leave me!” He shouts into her face, and my brave girl doesn’t budge.
“I’m sorry,” she says sarcastically. “I thought you weren’t the Judge anymore. What are you doing giving commands?” She wrenches her wrist from his grasp and paws at his belt. I hear the faint clink as she unfastens it.
“Cora.”Her name is a growl deep in Jud’s throat. “Get out of here. Too dangerous. Get out! Leave me!”
He’s coming around. He’s finally registering that we’re really here, really trying to rescue his ass. And he understands what a risk it is for Cora to be here.
“Iamleaving,” she says. “But not without this.”
She unzips his pants and reaches inside, and my eyes are trying to jump out of their sockets. She’s got her hand wrapped around Jud’s limp dick.
The fuck?
I’m about to say her name, but Jud does it first.
“Cora,” he says, hands battling with hers. “The fuck are you doing?” He’s getting more intelligible with every utterance.
“Did you forget?” Cora says. “You gave me your penis. It’s mine, remember? Now that I’ve finally come up with a name for it, I want it back. I don’t care if you walk out of here attached to it or if I have to cut it off, but one way or another, I’m getting Hammer out of this hellhole.” And while I watch with my jaw hanging open, she lifts her pantleg and unsheathes none other than Jud’s own hunting knife.
Jesus Mary and Joseph!She’s threatening to unman him!
I’m too shocked to do anything but stare.
Jud’s hand strikes like a snake. Using senses other than sight, he grabs the wrist of her knife hand. He’s fast as lightning, and his grip is firm, but Cora shows no sign of pain.
“That my Damascus?” he asks.
“Poetic, no?” Cora says. She makes no effort to break from his grip. It’s because she’s not really going to cut off Jud’s junk. She’s making a point. A brilliant point. “I’m going to emasculate you with your own knife. Come on. The sooner we do this, the sooner I can leave you to wallow in your misery.” She wiggles her wrist just enough to emphasize her point.
Jud sits motionless. Then his mouth quirks into a crooked grin. His head falls back against the padded wall. He rocks it slowly back and forth. “Jesus,” he mutters. “You’re not going to get off my back, are you?”
She did it. She goddamned did it. She got through to him.