“Of course I did.” I moved to the bar and poured myself a Scotch. “What can I get you?”

She shook her head, soft waves falling across her pale cheeks. Why was she so pale, with her naturally olive Italian skin, and the bright Florida sun blazing constantly. “I’m not drinking right now,” she said.

“Orange juice, then? Iced tea?”

She grimaced, shaking her head harder and pressing her hands to her midsection. “I’m fine.”

“I don’t think so, Theresa,” I said, leading her to a barstool at the counter. I got her situated and sat across from her, raising an expectant brow.

“I met your fiancée,” she said, tracing a vein in the marble countertop and making a real point not to look at me.

“That’s what you want to talk about?”

She looked up, a flash of fire in her eyes. “Maybe. Funny you never mentioned having one.”

I grabbed her left hand and held it up in front of her face. “I don’t remember you wearing this rock the last time we were together, either. Though I do recall seeing a man put his arm around you at the restaurant that time.” I felt sick and dropped her hand. “Were you hiding this the last time you were here, or hadn’t he given it to you yet?”

Her eyes filled with tears as her cheeks burned crimson. She twisted the ring off her hand and tossed it across the living room where it landed with a soft thud somewhere on the couch. “I hate that thing. I hate him. You don’t know anything about it.”

I laughed mirthlessly. “Maybe I do.” Taking her chin I made her look me in the eye. I softened my grip and traced the line of her jaw. “Tell me why you’re here.”

She held my gaze, taking a deep breath. “I’m pregnant,” she blurted.

I was so stunned all I could do was laugh again, with even less humor. “Should I congratulate you?”

Her hand snaked out to slap me, but I caught her wrist in a tight grip. “It’s yours, you idiot,” she said, wrenching away from me.

I believed her, and the feeling that welled up in me was indescribable. But she’d made me suffer, and was engaged to another man. I shrugged, keeping my face neutral. “I’ve learned all about your line of work,” I said. “How it’s all based on lies and trickery.”

Her eyes widened, and she jumped up, nearly knocking the stool over. “As if your business dealings are any less shady. How dare you accuse me—” She looked around, reaching for my heavy wooden fruit bowl, as if she was going to send it flying at my head.

I grabbed her hand again. “Relax, little one. I was only having some fun. I believe you. Of course I do. And I’m delighted.”

She punched me in the shoulder with her free hand, snarling when I laughed at what was little more than a love tap. “I’m glad you’re having fun,” she snapped, dripping sarcasm. “How wonderful you’re happy.”

As I watched her try to wriggle out of my grasp, about to hit me again, I realized I was happy. Not the kind when a business deal works out, something much deeper and more real. This was exactly what I wanted. A woman who made me wild with passion, who gave me every last part of herself. And a baby we created together.

“Stop struggling and trying to kill me so I can kiss you,” I said, moving to her side of the bar.

Her arms fell to her sides, and she looked up at me, adorably confused. “You were being serious? About being happy about this?”

I gathered her close, my eyes drifting shut at the feel of her soft body melting against mine. “Very serious. Cancel your engagement. I’ll be canceling mine.” I barely gave a thought to the war this would start. How could I care when Theresa finally wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed her cheek into my chest, holding on as tight to me as I was to her. “You’re mine now. For good and for real.”

She looked up. “I was always yours, from the moment you first claimed me.”

“Good girl,” I said. She feigned a pout, half-heartedly shoving away from me. “Come on now, we can get to the real fun sooner if you stop pretending to hate me.”

She made one last feeble attempt to swat at me, but then tipped her head back so I could take her mouth with a kiss that had us both swaying. I lifted her onto the bar and wasted no time in spreading her legs, so hungry for her I could barely control myself. My cock throbbed almost painfully against the front of my pants, more so when she reached for the button to wrap her fingers around me.

“This is all I’ve been thinking about all this time,” she said.

“You have no idea how much I’ve wanted you,” I told her, pushing her skirt up to her waist. “Naughty girl, wearing panties around me.”

She writhed against me, tilting her hips enticingly. “You know what to do, Aleksei.”

I took a side of the thin pink fabric in both of my hands and yanked, making her moan when she was bared to me. I slid my fingers inside her wet heat, kissing the side of her neck.

“I can’t be slow this time, little one,” I told her. “I’ve got to fuck you right now. Hard and fast.”