It took me two seconds and very little effort to oblige and as soon as the scraps were tossed aside, she pushed my head between her open thighs again, standing on her toes to give me better access. She kept her fingers wrapped in my hair, writhing as I ate her pussy like it was a juicy, ripe mango. She was far more satisfying and delicious. Her sweet gasps and moans and the way she danced on her tiptoes made me finally laugh and grab her hips.

“Be still so I can make you come,” I told her, licking her swollen clit.

Her answer was to breathe heavily and hold onto my shoulders. I glanced up past her smooth belly and the underside of her rounded, bouncing tits to see her nearly biting through her bottom lip, eyes tightly shut. She was an innocent little goddess. My goddess. I returned to worshiping her beautiful body, lost in her taste and scent, almost forgetting my throbbing cock as I listened to the passion rising in the sounds she made. I could have stayed there between her thighs forever. Almost.

When she cried out and nearly took a handful of my hair in her fists, I plunged my tongue deep inside her one last time to feel her spasms. She slid bonelessly to her knees to face me, shakily wiping her juices off my cheeks as a hint of a smile emerged. After a moment her brows met in an angry furrow.

“No fair,” she said with a faux pout. One thing I knew for certain about her was that she was no spoiled princess, knowledge that made me want to give her whatever she wanted.

“What’s not fair, little one?” I asked, running my thumbs over her nipples and leaning to kiss her.

She tugged at my shirt. “I’m naked and you’re still dressed. Here, let me.”

I allowed her to unbutton and push my shirt off my shoulders, smiling at the feel of her soft palms, as she ran her hands down my chest. She glanced up at me while unbuttoning my pants.

“Go on,” I encouraged. “You want me naked.”

“I do,” she said, eagerly popping the button and pulling down the zipper. She rested her hand against the thick bulge under my boxer briefs and let out a slow breath. “Now it’s my turn,” she said, almost to herself, and shoved me backwards.

I laughed, but it was cut off when she pulled my cock free and began stroking the length, her thumb rolling back and forth over my wet tip. She raised an eyebrow at me and then lowered her head to tentatively kiss away the moisture.

“Christ almighty,” I growled.

Emboldened by my obvious pleasure, she wrapped her full lips around my cock, taking me deeper with each dip of her head. The soft waves of her dark mahogany hair fell across my hips, and I pushed them aside so I could watch her clumsily, but oh so perfectly, suck me.

“Is it okay?” she asked.

“Better than okay.” I was mesmerized, watching her working away, so passionately pleased with herself.

I wished I could have stayed like that for the rest of my life, but feeling her wet mouth on my cock and watching her plump little ass bobbing in the air as she leaned over me, quickly drew me to the edge.

“Enough,” I roared, grabbing her under her arms and pulling her on top of me.

Planting her hands on my chest, she straddled me and rubbed her slick pussy back and forth along my length, sighing with pleasure.

“This almost feels just as good,” she said.

“Almost,” I agreed through gritted teeth. “But not quite.”

She slowed her movements, and I guided my cock to her opening, nudging into her tight channel. “Oh, yes, you’re right,” she sighed, digging her fingers into my shoulders. “That’s a lot nicer.”

I grabbed her hips and pushed her down hard onto my shaft, groaning as her pussy gripped every inch of me.

“So much better,” I agreed, then I was rendered silent,as she rode me with wild abandon.

When I couldn’t take any more I gripped her hips and plucked her neatly off, flipping her onto her belly on the plush living room rug. She raised her sexy ass with a moan and reached behind her to pull me on top of her.

“Hurry, Aleksei,” she pleaded. “I’m so close.”

“Me too, little one. Me, too.”

I rammed deep inside her, kissing her shoulder and pushing aside her tangled hair while breathing in the salty sweat at her hairline. I liked making a mess of her. She pressed back against me, taking every hard thrust and breathlessly begging for more.

“Oh God,” I groaned. “No condom.”

“Don’t you dare stop,” she cried, clinging to me.

There was no way I could, not after hearing those pleas “Tell me who you belong to,” I said, holding on as long as I could.