I gripped my hands into fists, fighting the urge to do as he commanded. What was wrong with me that he had so much sway over my life? I stood my ground, shaking my head. “No way. I believe you think you can get out of your contract, and I believe you want to. I also know you won’t really be able to.”

“Are you doubting my abilities?”

“Listen to me, you dumb caveman. I’m not doubting your ability, but I know you well enough to know you’d do anything to keep your family out of danger. Just like I’ve lived this life long enough to know that breaking a contract with someone like Roman Pavlov means danger.” I ignored his smirk. “You’re going to have to marry Sofia, and I’m not going to be a side piece.”

His laughter pushed me over the edge into full on anger. Anger at him now, not just myself for falling back into his arms. He should have been taking this seriously. I stormed out of his bedroom and toward the door. Pulling on a robe, he followed me, getting in between me and my escape route. I put my hands on his chest and shoved him away.

“Aleksei,” I said firmly. “I know you’re not really a caveman. You’re even-tempered and kind. I know you’re not going to keep me captive here.”

His hard look fell a bit, but he crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest. “If you think I’m not going to be part of my child’s life, you really don’t know me at all.”

“We’ll work out a fair custody arrangement,” I said, starting to melt at his increasing despair. I moved closer to the front door, and his eyes darkened with their own anger.

“Don’t forget your ring,” he said, storming back into his bedroom.

“Damn it,” I hissed, searching the couch cushions until I found it and jammed the hated thing back on my finger.

“This isn't over,” he shouted.

My shoulders slumped. I didn’t want him to be boiling mad at me. I returned to his bedroom doorway to say goodbye, certain he’d act like a grown up. I patted my stomach when he turned to look at me with a scowl.

“It’s not over for you and this one,” I said. “But you know it has to be for us.”

I was so strong until those words came out, but my voice cracked and tears welled up as he shook his head. He was clearly close to the boiling point.

“You’re wrong, little one,” he said, voice like ice despite his clear fury. “And you have exactly ten seconds to get out of here before my even temperament is pushed to the limit, and I lock you in this bedroom until the baby is born. One. Two…”

I stared at him, almost wanting what he threatened. At six, I chickened out and tore from his apartment like the devil was on my heels.

“This isn’t settled, Theresa,” he yelled as I slammed out the door and into the hall.

I shook all the way down the elevator, half-expecting him to be waiting for me in the lobby. And more than half-hoping. I trotted down South Beach’s still busy sidewalk until I could stop shaking enough to order a car to get me to my own apartment. By the time I got there, I was exhausted, emotionally and physically, and my stomach was a mess. I was starving and nauseated at the same time and snuck into the kitchen to grab my box of Lucky Charms to take into my room.

I was barely showered and in my pajamas when there was a brisk tap on my door. Hiding my cereal, I opened it a crack to see my mother’s impatient face.

“Well?” she asked.

I couldn’t face the consequences yet. “Negative,” I said quietly, to buy myself some time to decide if I really wanted to cut ties and run.

She nodded with a grim smile. “Stop fooling around. Don’t screw this up for us.”

I shut the door and crawled into bed, tears streaming silently down my face as I stuffed it with Lucky Charms.

Chapter 14 - Aleksei

Sofia grabbed two glasses of champagne off a passing server’s tray and handed me one with a smile before linking her arm through mine. It took all my willpower not to shrug her off.

“I’m so glad you finally decided to take an interest in your own city’s social scene,” she said.

“Mmmhmm,” I mumbled, looking around for the only woman I wanted to spend any time with.

Yes, I’d taken a special interest in the local art scene, going to each art show and gallery opening in the hopes that I’d see Theresa. Tonight’s event was one of hers so I was sure she was there, but the place was so packed with overdressed people I hadn’t caught so much as a glimpse of her glossy hair yet. Outwardly, nothing had changed, though I wasn’t going to let Theresa be right. I would end my engagement with Sofia, and she would ditch that young upstart. We were going to be together come hell or high water. I’d even gone to see Ivan about it, knowing he had to be the first to know.

When I arrived at his mansion on the waterway, expecting him and his wife, Reina, to greet me with a lavish lunch, he was hurrying out to take care of an emergency at one of our bars. He tried to assure me he didn’t need my help, but in my foul mood, I was raring for a good fight.

It wasn’t much, just some newcomers, so fresh in town they thought they could start breaking windows and staging robberies, then swoop in to offer protection. To one of our establishments, on our turf. Poor fools didn’t even know it was our turf. Our cousin had tracked the so-called leader of this gang down, and Ivan and I headed over to teach them some manners. They were hiding out in a sad little shanty in the swamp, and they put up such a pathetic fight, it almost wasn’t worth the drive out there.

Cracking a few heads did help ease some of my pent up frustration, though. Normally after a brawl like that, Ivan and I would have gone out for a few drinks, but he only wanted to get back home to his family after assuring the old couple who worked at our bar for us that they wouldn’t be bothered by those thugs again.