Mila was gone.

Chapter 20 - Mila

The gentle breeze wafted into the room, quiet after Nikolai left me there. The nurse hummed quietly while she worked, fetching a new needle, and hooking me up to the IV again.

Her face was kind while she went around the room, grabbing whatever she needed. I wondered if she was ever scared being employed by the Morozovs. Did she ever feel like her life was in danger, or did she have it made?

There was no way of knowing.

I was a part of that family, technically. But I didn’t feel like one of them. I was only a doll to be pushed back and forth wherever I was needed. Stored away and locked inside until Nikolai felt like showing me a shred of kindness.

Even with my child missing, I wasn’t allowed to help. I was collateral damage.

I didn’t utter a word while the nurse did her job, moving about the space. She reached inside her medical bag and pulled out a vile containing a clear fluid. Another needle was prepped and brought out.

The nurse glanced at me and smiled, having caught me staring from my huddled position.

“I’m just preparing more of your pain medicine if you want it,” the nurse explained, drawing the fluid out. “I’m making it nice and strong so you can go to sleep and not have to worry about anything.”

So that you will stay here, out of the way.

That was exactly what Nikolai wanted.

As the nurse turned away, focused on whatever was inside her bag, my broken heart froze over, knowing he likely saw me as nothing but a problem. An issue to be subdued.

Nikolai wanted me to shut up and stay out of the way, but I couldn’t do that. Not while my child was missing.

Reaching for the needle, I jumped out of bed silently and snagged it. Before the nurse could turn back around, I was on her, plunging the needle into her neck. I depressed the plunger, ignoring the pounding in my head.

Stepping back, I watched as the nurse crumpled to the floor in a heap. The carpet muffled her fall, and I dropped the syringe next to her.

Not wasting a moment, I snagged the nurse's bag, emptying it of any medical items. Bottles dropped, rolling against the table the nurse had been working at, and out came her cell phone and wallet.

Snagging the phone and wallet, I stuffed them back in the bag and slung it around my shoulder. I crept over to the door, cracking it open just enough to slip out, and I closed it behind me again.

The vague sound of voices carried through the house, but I hurried over to the nearest bathroom, where the door was pushed open. I waited there for a while until the voices grew distant again.

With a deep breath, I regained my bearings and snuck onto the staircase. My bare feet didn’t make a sound as I moved downward, traversing the hall as fast as I could. While on my way to another bathroom, I caught a glimpse of Nikolai pacing what looked like a living room, and my blood froze.

I couldn’t let the anger get the best of me, not yet.

Ignoring him, I reached the downstairs bathroom and locked it behind me. There was a window in the far wall, tall enough for me to climb through.

Hurrying, I lifted the window and popped the screen out before climbing up. I was sure not to make a sound since everything seemed to echo in the massive bathroom. Easily enough, I slid down the wall and landed on the other side, feet reaching the grass.

Pausing to get a good look at my surroundings, I realized that I didn’t know Ivan’s place at all. I had never been there, and everything seemed backward to me. But I was in what looked like a backyard with a fenced-in perimeter. There was a shed in the distance and a gate not far from it.

I glanced around the side of the house; there were guards everywhere out front. Fortunately for me, their attention was focused out there, toward the main road. And I had many years of experience dodging my father’s men when I was young.

Despite my injury, I ducked and followed the fence line, as low as I could make myself. I moved quickly, sure not to draw any attention to myself. Halfway toward the back side of the yard, I found a hammer nestled in the grass.

Wondering if I would need it for anything, I decided to grab it and stashed it in the nurse’s bag.

Without another look back, I scurried behind the shed and caught my breath before carefully unlatching the back gate. I opened it silently and pressed it closed as tightly as possible.

I found myself on a back road, where I continued down the street until I was surely off the grounds. Looking around for any guards that would recognize me, relief flooded me when I was ultimately alone.

Dodging any rogue rocks and sharp objects on the sidewalk, I kept walking, using the trees as shields. Then, I reached for the cell and rang for a ride.