“I don’t know if you realize how much this means to me,” Mila confessed, eyes lining with tears. She wiped at them, and I was glad they were only happy ones. “But I’ve never felt like I belonged somewhere more than this. Thank you for accepting me.”

“No matter what happens, you will always be a Morozov,” I murmured to her before pressing a kiss to her head. “And so will this little one,” I added, giving Kat a silly face to make her laugh.

Setting her down, Kat was quick to run over to Reina, asking if she could have one of the balloons.

“This whole party is for you and your mom. Of course you can!” She said, taking Kat’s hand to lead her over to the decorations.

When Kat was preoccupied with the balloons, I grabbed a drink for myself and Mila, handing it to her.

“Here’s to Mila, the newest recruit,” Ivan began, raising his cup in the air. Everyone followed suit as Mila beamed, overwhelmed with emotion. “Mother by day, soldier by night.” He chuckled along with everyone before he continued more seriously, “I’ve never met anyone capable of softening my brother’s icy heart until you showed up. We never expected things to work out as they have, but on behalf of everyone, I will say that we are grateful to have you here.”

Mila’s smile never wavered as everyone clinked their cups with one another before taking hearty swigs of their drinks.

It made my heart swell to see the joy on my wife’s face, fully aware that our family was behind her no matter what. We may have our faults and a brutal way of living, but above all else, we had each other’s backs.

A man has nothing if he doesn’t have his family. We all lived and breathed by that motto.

The party continued with everyone eating and having fun outside, eventually gathering around the pool to soak up the beautiful day.

Finding the opportunity, I slipped an arm around Mila’s waist and whispered in her ear. “This party’s going to continue at Ivan’s club. Our special spot.”

A laugh erupted from me at the sight of Mila’s cheeks filling with color, sure I’d hear about it later.

Epilogue - Mila

My heart squeezed with adoration as I held the baby monitor in my hands, listening to the sound of my big mobster husband goofing off while he helped Kat get ready.

The contrast of his deeper, rougher voice paired with her much higher one as they sang a little song together made me laugh to myself. I could only picture how adorable the scene was as he picked her clothes out.

Kat’s giggles warmed me as I put the monitor back down and reached for my hairbrush. I ran it through my damp hair, fresh from the shower and still wrapped up in a towel.

It was a special day, and I wanted to look good for Nikolai. So, I grabbed the matching lingerie set—a red, lacey ensemble—and quickly slipped it on.

Satisfied by how it accentuated my figure, I wrapped myself up in a fluffy white robe next and sat at my vanity table to put my lotion on.

After we got Kat back and realized we were in for the long haul, we decided to enroll her in preschool two mornings a week to give her a routine and some normalcy. She enjoyed making new friends and spending time with them, and it would prepare her if I decided to go back to work.

The dust had settled after the conflict, and it was time for me to address the loose ends. I was able to get in touch with my old employer, and I explained what happened, sure to leave out the mob war parts. I told them how I had found Kat’s father, we reconnected and fell back in love.

By the end of the call, the manager was brought to tears, and she understood wholeheartedly. Beyond that, she even offered to be a positive reference if I needed it in the future. It seemed we weren’t leaving Miami any time soon, and she had no qualms about giving me a hand with getting hired somewhere in the area.

Once I finished my skincare, I grabbed my laptop to show Nikolai the interior-design inspiration pictures I had saved before bed and met them both in the kitchen.

Kat was already dressed and digging into her breakfast while Nikolai prepared his own by the stove.

“Good morning,” I hummed, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

“Morning,” he said back, eyeing the laptop suspiciously. “Are those ideas for how you can change the bathroom walls for the third time this month?”

Noting his playful tone, I waved him off and turned the screen around for him to see. “Of course not! It’s for the living room, actually.”

Nikolai scoffed and rolled his eyes half-heartedly. When he got it out of his system, he peered at the screen and contemplated it. “Hmm. I like that one better.”

He pointed at the concept I had my heart set on, and I held in my squeal of excitement. “That was my pick too. I’m glad we’re on the same page.”

Nikolai shuffled his scrambled eggs around the frying pan and gave me a grin. “Whatever you choose, just put it on the card.”

“I appreciate you letting me do this,” I added, heart-warmed by his cooperation. With an arm around his waist, I gave him a squeeze. “Even when I bombard you with my ideas.”