“Oh, come on, Aleks,” I began, tone laced with sarcasm. “Arranged marriages aren’t that big of a deal.”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Aleksei uttered stiffly, bringing the Range Rover back to life again. He reversed out of the driveway without an ounce of light left in his eyes.

I snickered to myself before trying to wipe the smirk off my face. “It could be worse, you know. She could be fifty. She could have a hag’s face. Maybe she has an exceptional personality.”

“Don’t make this worse than it needs to be,” he grumbled, eyes fixed squarely on the road ahead. “She was duller than a rock, Nik. She’d crumble the moment she was intertwined with our madness. It’s a wonder she’s survived this long.”

“And what if she has the best shot in Miami? Then what?” I proposed mischievously, fully aware that I was indeed not helping whatsoever.

“Maybe she’ll have mercy on me and take me out, then.”

Roaring with laughter at that, I couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t always one to bask in my brothers’ misery, but I was willing to make an exception for Aleksei’s grim situation. Maybe then he’d find some humor in it too.

But Aleksei was a tough nut to crack at times, and that miserable mask over his face didn’t falter.

When I finally calmed down enough to speak, I wiped my eyes. “Remember, these pacts are only for show. You don’t need to be loyal to her if there’s nothing there for either of you. So long as you are married and Roman is satisfied, nothing else matters.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Aleksei scowled, tightening his grip on the wheel again. “You had a history with the one you married. I don’t know what kind of horseshoe was up your ass, but I’d like to find out.”

“I was lucky,” I said, fully aware of how fortunate I ended up being. “But it could’ve been much worse for me.”

“Even better, Ivan married who he wanted without question. He didn’t have to worry about being betrothed in the first place.”

“Well then, I guess this is something to bring up with him,” I decided, knowing there was nothing I could say to make the situation more palatable for him.

Aleksei was promised to potentially the dullest, meekest woman in all of Florida, and it was all for duty.

“I can’t break the pact no matter what I think,” Aleksei said with resolve. He turned into the condo parking lot and shifted into neutral. He ran a hand through his hair and released a heavy breath. “I can’t be a hypocrite either. I gave you shit for refusing Grigory’s claim, and I can’t walk back on that no matter how things turned out for you. I won’t risk another war just because I didn’t get the pick of the litter.”

Surprised by him, I nodded and clapped a hand against his shoulder. “You have my respect, Aleks. You’re a much better man than me.”

“That goes without saying.”

“Keep them closed,” I chuckled, covering Mila’s eyes as I led her onto Ivan’s property with Kat in my arms. She covered her own by holding her stuffed dolphin in front of her face, giggling all the while.

“Are we almost there?” Mila asked, her voice lifted from her hesitance.

“Almost,” I assured her, pushing through the gate and into the backyard. “Not long now. Just a few more steps.”

As we moved across the lawn, I stopped and pulled my hands away right as everyone jumped out shouting, “Welcome to the family!”

Mila opened her eyes, shocked by the scene before her. Kat squealed happily from the balloons and other decorations.

A banner was hung across the back of the house with ‘The Morozovs’ written on it, signed by everyone in the family. There were numerous tables full of food and drinks, and even a few gifts. Music played in the background, and everything came together perfectly.

My brothers were there, along with Reina, Anya, and our cousins. A few of our closer staff members attended as well, all to celebrate Mila and Kat once and for all.

They all gathered around us carrying their food and drinks, just as elated as Mila.

“What is this?” Mila asked with a hand brought up to her mouth as she looked at me, face bright with happiness.

Unable to hold back my own joy and relief to have them both in my life, I put my spare arm around her and pulled her into my side. “We thought it was time to welcome you both properly, as true Morozovs.”

“I’m so glad you got here before the cake was all gone,” Reina said, carrying Anya in her arms. She smiled for Mila, holding back her amusement. “I spent all morning trying to keep Ivan out of it!”

Ivan waved off her claims despite his look of guilt, carrying a plate with exactly that on it.

Everyone laughed, surrounded by a light-hearted atmosphere, and Mila could hardly contain herself.