As I drove us back home, it almost felt like we were simply out for an evening drive, returning home from a family outing. If I didn’t blink, we seemed normal for a moment. We were a family, and I was finally given the chance to be the father I wanted to be.

Returning to the condo with my girls was the greatest gift I could ever receive, and I knew better than to take it for granted.

Night had already fallen, but Kat wasn’t ready to go to sleep yet. Mila and I watched while she played with her toys on her bedroom floor, babbling and murmuring to herself. She acted like nothing was out of the ordinary, and it helped the two of us breathe again.

I don’t know what we would’ve done if we hadn’t found her as soon as we did, but nothing could take that relief away from us. It felt like a hole had been punched into my chest in her absence, but seeing her happy and surrounded by her things again, that hole filled in completely.

Mila’s smile faltered, however, as she brought a hand up against her head, swaying somewhat in place. Her skin paled once again, and I was quick to put an arm around her waist before she got too woozy. She leaned into me, regaining her bearings.

I had almost forgotten how much Mila had been through within a single day, and getting her to focus on healing was long overdue.

“I’ve got you,” I murmured, helping guide her out of the bedroom. “You need to rest now.”

Mila didn’t object then, finally at peace enough to give up the fight. She used my body as her support and followed me into our bedroom.

Carefully, I helped her into bed, moving the pillows behind her head more comfortably. I reached for the blinds and pulled them down, ensuring the room stayed dark for as long as possible. “I have a new nurse on the way to make sure everything is fine. Please try not to knock this one out.”

Mila chuckled despite her injury, letting her head rest on the pillows. She pulled the blankets around her and gave me a small smile. “I don’t think that will be a problem anymore. But I hope the other one is alright.”

“I’m sure she didn’t appreciate finding herself in the middle of our nonsense, but it’s nothing a nice bonus won’t fix.” Sitting on the edge of the bed, I tucked the blankets around her and returned the tender expression. “Stay in bed as long as you need. I’ll take care of Kat.”

“Thank you,” Mila murmured to me, meeting my gaze completely. Even if the wound had caught up to her, she still looked beautiful to me. It was hard to pull my eyes away from her. Her hand reached for mine. “For not giving up and trusting me.”

“I would stop at nothing to make sure our daughter was safe,” I reassured her, bringing her hand up to press a kiss to the back of it. “The same goes for you.”

Our stares lingered for some time, and I took in how Mila’s eyes filled with so much admiration. I had to admit, it felt significantly better than her disdain and agony.

Then, her smile deepened, and she whispered, “I love you more than I ever thought possible. Once I’m feeling better, I’ll show you just how much.”

Chuckling at her promise, I traced her cheek with my thumb and took in her beauty. Not able to resist, I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. She relaxed beneath me.

“I’m with you forever, my love,” I hummed, silently vowing to never let her be harmed again. More at ease, I only wanted to be wrapped up in her love, to know just how far it went. “There’s no rush.”

Chapter 24 - Nikolai

“I hope you’re planning on making this quick,” I murmured to Aleksei from the passenger seat while he drove for once. “With Sergey’s dead and the Balakins out of our hair, I’d prefer to spend time with my wife and child.”

He tried his best to keep his cool, but I could tell the stress of the unknown was getting the best of him. Aleksei scowled at me before returning his eyes to the road. “Shut up. This is my future we’re talking about here.”

Scoffing, I leaned back in my seat and let the smirk take over my face. “You’re being dramatic.”

“Says the one who ran out after being told he was betrothed without knowing it.”

“That was a completely different circumstance. I had no idea, but you, brother, have had your whole life to prepare for this moment,” I returned, pulling my cell out to tap mindlessly while I waited for an inevitable text from Mila asking what the plans were for the day.

Aleksei adjusted his grasp on the steering wheel as he pulled onto a street on the nice side of town, not far from our homes. The ride had been rather short, but I could tell Aleksei wanted to prolong the wait for a while longer. “It doesn’t make it any easier. I hardly know the girl. I haven’t seen her since we were quite literally children.”

“Well, hopefully, puberty went in her favor,” I chided.

Aleksei’s stern expression faltered as he chuckled, to which I laughed with him. “You’re a bastard, did you know that?”

“Only when it counts. In this case, I’m more than happy to bother my brother about his arranged marriage.”

The small ding from my phone caught my attention, and I was quick to let Mila know I’d be picking her and Kat up before one, so they needed to be ready. I wouldn’t tell her where we were going, however.

Ivan and Reina were busy working out the details on their end for the surprise I had planned for the girls. They were the lights in my life, and they deserved the best of everything. For the first time ever, I was excited to go out of my way for the ones I loved.

“This is it,” Aleksei murmured, pulling up to a swanky house by the water. His tone dripped with apprehension as he parked the SUV and killed the engine.