He didn’t want me in harm’s way, but he had no choice in the matter.

Leaning forward, I gripped the front of Nikolai’s button-up and kissed him hard. He softened at the contact and took it in while he could until I pulled back, and his eyes remained on me.

“I’ll be back,” I said, turning and stalking in the direction of the warehouse.

It didn’t take long for Nikolai to speak frantically into the phone, likely needing Ivan and Aleksei’s words of confidence more than ever. But as I moved further away from him, his voice faded.

Turning a corner, I spotted a battered metal door and knew that was where I needed to be. Cutting the space between myself and the doorway, I settled there with my back against the wall.

I released an even breath, not even registering fear anymore.

But still, I didn’t want to go in. It didn’t feel like the right move.

Instead, I rapped against the metal. “I’m here, now come out!”

A moment passed until the door cracked open just enough for light to pour into the room shrouded with darkness. I could barely see my dad as he stood there, unmoving.

“Are you alone?”

His voice was curt and to the point.

Irritated by the suspicion in his voice, I shrugged, layering my words with sarcasm. “I’ve been alone for a long time, thanks to you.”

He didn’t say anything for a second, then a pensive sigh left his mouth. “You were always a natural, Mila, you know that? It’s never too late for you to come back into the fold with me. You were never like your mother and aunt. You were like me. Rather, youarelike me.”

The thought alone made bile creep up my throat, and it took everything in my power to push it back down. “What about the Morozovs? Why would you need me if you have them now?”

Dad scoffed bitterly. “The Morozovs don’t respect my experience, and they haven’t accepted me as their new leader like I thought they would.”

“Ivan is their leader. Why did you think they would make that happen in the first place?” I questioned, unsure about his thought process. It didn’t make any sense.

He grumbled to himself before answering. “They needed guidance and a firm hand since their father died, but they didn’t care to take it from me. Now, they need to be taught a lesson.”

Rage simmered within my chest at his audacity, but I pushed it down, not willing to risk the plan. I didn’t truly care about his goals anyway, not when I had more important things to think about.

“Where is Kat? I need to see her,” I demanded, jaw tight with tension.

“She’s just inside, tucked away in a clean room with toys and snacks. It’s nothing to worry about,” he said, holding a walkie-talkie out for me to see. He pressed the button and spoke, “Tell her, kid.”

“Is that mama?”

Kat’s soft, high-pitched voice made my heart ache then, threatening tears. But I had to focus. From what I could glean, she sounded happy enough. That fact alone helped me to relax just enough to level myself out again.

But Nikolai warned me to get my eyes on Kat before I did anything. That was the most important part.

“I want to see her,” I repeated, steadfast in my serious tone.

Not expecting him to do so willingly, I was surprised the moment dad opened the door further and stepped back. “Come in, then.”

It felt like a trap. I didn’t dare move my feet yet, resulting in an impasse. We only looked at each other for a moment, wondering what to do next.

“Let me ask her a question to make sure it isn’t a recording.”

“Alright,” he said, stepping out with the walkie-talkie extended. He held the button down with it close enough for me to speak into it.

At arm’s distance from him, my skin crawled. Even that was too close for my liking. But I cleared my throat and focused.

“Kat, it’s me, sweetie. Are you in a grey building? What’s around you?” I asked, noting how my voice quivered just enough to notice. I didn’t want her to be fearful.