When Mila met my gaze again, she held it there, as if giving me the opportunity without even realizing it. I swallowed hard and threw my pride to the wolves.

“I love you, Mila. You’re my wife, and I mean it.”

Mila’s face softened then, and she grabbed at me, wrapping her arms around my midsection tightly. She pressed her cheek against my chest, soaking in what comfort she could grasp.

My nerves relaxed somewhat then, able to breathe knowing Mila’s outrage had been subdued at last. I squeezed her back, aware that I could no longer take back my words. But I didn’t need to.

Before I could fully appreciate the moment, Mila pushed back from me, brows knit together. “Wait.”

The slight sting manifested in my heart at her not saying it back, but I pushed it away the moment Mila grabbed the cell phone and turned it for me to see.

“I think it’s from my father.”

I read over the text quickly, scanning it before I met her eyes again. It was an address. Kat was more than likely there waiting for us.

“I’ll take you home and make the meeting,” I said, springing to action immediately. I had my hands against her arms again, helping to steady her.

But Mila refused, shaking her head. “No way. We’re in this together, or I might as well get in the taxi I ordered.”

The instinct to scowl at her stubbornness rose to the surface, but I bit it back, unwilling to go back on my word. “Fine, but I’m calling in backup to meet us nearby until I assess the situation. It could be a trick, and we need to be careful.”

“I know it’s a trick, and that’s why I’ll be the one to meet him alone,” Mila said, firm in her determination. “I’m sure he changed his mind and decided that as long as I’m offering myself on a silver platter, he might as well have both of us for leverage. Or maybe he’ll just try to kill me.” She reached for the hammer, gripping it tightly. “Let him try it.”

Unable to help myself, I rolled my eyes and chuckled, collecting the hammer from her grip. “We’ll discuss it on the way there. But we need to go.” I stashed the hammer inside the nurse’s bag and handed it back to her, hand against the small of her back to guide her back to the Range Rover.

Mila walked beside me wordlessly, a nod of her head the only indication that she agreed with me.

Glancing over at Mila, she looked worse for wear. I was sure she’d appreciate a change of clothes before we jumped head-first into the lion’s den. Fortunately, I was level-headed enough to realize my wife had left with nothing more than a gown on, and I came prepared with another outfit. I even brought a black Kevlar vest for her protection.

“Are you sure you’re feeling well enough for this?” I asked her, opening the door to the vehicle the moment we reached it. I half expected her to admit the pain was getting to her, but I should’ve known better.

“I’m fine,” Mila replied, crawling in the back first. “There’s no chance in hell I’m letting you go in my place.”

“Alright,” I murmured, and closed the door behind me. I clapped a hand against the driver’s seat where Dmitri sat. “I forwarded the address to your phone. Get us there.”

Dmitri nodded, and he pulled up the map on the SUV’s monitor. The engine roared to life, and he began in the direction of the hideout.

“Here, put these on,” I told Mila, handing her the jeans and tank.

Mila took it tentatively before giving me a funny look. “Always five steps ahead, right?”


Her small smile was contagious, and I couldn’t help but return it.

Mila slipped the pants on first, allowing the material to form around her figure. Then, she went to lift the hem of her gown, only to give me a sideways glance first.

I sighed. “Dmitri isn’t looking—right, Dmitri?”


Mila stifled a laugh as she peered through the rearview to find that Dmitri’s eyes were firmly on the road ahead. Then, she pulled the gown over her head, revealing her tan-colored bra in its wake.

For her sake, I didn’t ogle, even if I wanted to.

As she slipped the black tank on, I reached inside my suit jacket and pulled out my gun. Glancing over at her, I realized at once that Mila looked like she belonged in the mob alongside us. She could’ve fooled me.

Handing her the weapon, I cocked a brow at how simply she took it from me. “Do you know how to shoot?”