I toed the gas pedal, wanting nothing more than to ram forward and crush the man into the building. It would be so easy with him at my mercy, and it would save me any further work. He’d be dead, and I’d have my revenge.

The moment I caught another look at Mila, I noticed the terror on her face. She had likely never been in a situation like this one, and she could surely see the hunger in my eyes. I wanted to kill him, and I could’ve.

But I had a family. I couldn’t let the temptation get the better of me.

With a curse, I slammed on the brakes just before I could reach him and hurried out of the car. Realizing my pants weren’t done up properly after the club, I yanked them up and secured them.

The man banged on the locked doorway that rattled each time he banged on it. If it had been unlocked, the circumstances would’ve been much different.

“Get over here, you little shit,” I growled before grabbing his shoulder and swinging him around. I slammed my fist into his jaw and watched as he jolted back.

Not wanting to waste my time, I threw him into the wall and watched as he crumpled, rendered unconscious.

Without any struggle after that, I grabbed the man’s legs and dragged him over to the car, grunting as I went. I propped the trunk open, slipped my arms underneath him, and hoisted him in. The man slumped into the back, eyes closed.

I glared at him, trying to figure out who he was, but he didn’t look familiar to me.

Grabbing his belt, I yanked it free from his pants and wrapped it around his wrists, binding him as tightly as I could.

Once I was satisfied, I gave him one last look before slamming the trunk shut and returning to the car.

Looking over my shoulder at her, Mila only blinked back at me, stunned by everything that had happened. She swallowed hard.

“So much for wedded bliss,” I grumbled, dropping the SUV into reverse, and backing out of the alleyway.

Mila didn’t say anything as I reached the road and pulled back on smoothly as if everything were perfectly normal.

With Ivan’s permission, I’d lay into the culprit with everything I had.

Chapter 14 - Mila

Shaking the safety glass away from my hair and lap, I examined myself as best as I could. There were only a few cuts and scrapes on my arms, but it wasn’t anything too alarming.

Nikolai drove calmly down the dark streets, abiding by the rules of the road without batting an eyelid, like there wasn’t a man in the trunk. His gaze fell firmly in front of us, and he carefully took a lefthand turn.

I was riddled with shock, but surprisingly, I was calm. Truthfully, it wasn’t anything new to me.

I released an even breath and looked at Nikolai’s reflection in the rearview mirror. “Where are we going?”

Nikolai eyed me back, stare glazed with silent anger. Even in such a horrific moment, he was as beautiful as always. He averted his attention to the intersection ahead. “I’m taking you home.”

So much for that hotel stay.

“And after that?” I asked, hoping he’d tell me it wouldn’t be long before he returned to me. I wished Ivan would take care of the matter.

But Nikolai didn’t say anything. Silence filled the vehicle, and he only drummed his fingers against the steering wheel absently. That cold shield covered him once again, blocking me out completely.

I watched as many thoughts scurried across his eyes, but I only sighed and leaned back into the seat.

The rest of the drive was quiet, with Nikolai acting no more animated than a brick wall. Blankly, he turned into the condo parking lot and put it in park. He reached for his cell and tapped on it, but he never said anything else.

Then, after a few minutes, one of the guards came out of the building and approached the car. He opened the door and waited.

Not sparing a look at Nikolai, I edged across the seat, careful to not catch any of the glass shards on the way out. But his fingers wrapped around my wrist before I could leave. I met his hard gaze.

“Don’t open the door for anyone once you get inside. After I tell Ivan what’s going on, I’ll send someone for Anya and Rose,” Nikolai’s stare remained on mine for an extra moment, the only glimpse of him actually caring about me. “Trust no one.”

While Nikolai released my wrist, I was quick to grab his arm, holding him in his half-turned position. I whispered, “That goes for you too. I tried to warn you before not to trust my father. It doesn’t matter what he says to you, don’t believe him.”