Ivan was likely prepared to rip me a new one, and while being reamed out would be a consequence of my own pride, what else did he expect from me? He was the one who sent me in the first place. He couldn’t have possibly been naive enough to believe no bruises would be exchanged between us.

Aware of how much shouting and berating I was likely to endure, my mood only worsened, and I pulled onto the highway once again, heading straight for Ivan’s club.

Chapter 11 - Mila

It was a different kind of torture to wait around in the condo, not knowing what Nikolai was up to, or if he was getting himself into trouble. Knowing him, he likely was.

Kat was fast asleep in her room. Rather than disturb her, I paced out in the living room with a single lamp on. It had been a few hours since Nikolai left, and not knowing was grating on my nerves. I just wanted to know.

Glancing at the window, I realized it was dark. The clock on the wall read nine-thirty.

I was also afraid of him getting wrapped up in something dangerous. Kat was just getting to know her father, and I didn’t want anything to happen to him. A part of me didn’t want to lose him for myself either.

God, it was all so confusing.

Life was much simpler in Minnesota.

Right. The place I hadn’t returned to yet, despite my vacation technically being up. Without my cell or internet connection, I had no way of telling my work that I was alright. They were completely in the dark.

Remembering then that I was alone without anyone to monitor me, I crept over to Nikolai’s office and switched the light on. His laptop would be my ticket to get in contact with someone from work.

Everything was rather neat like things had been put back in their proper places. The room was simple too, with only a desk paired with a leather chair, a laptop sitting in the middle of it, and various filing cabinets.

I crept behind the desk and took a seat in the comfortable chair. I sighed, enjoying how easily I sank into it. Lifting the lid of the laptop, my brow raised the moment I realized there was no password lock. That was surprising.

I pressed enter, and it took me to a generic screensaver—I didn’t expect anything more from Nikolai. I was shocked he even had a laptop since he didn’t seem like someone who’d spend much time on one.

Moving my finger across the trackpad, the mouse landed on the internet browser, and I clicked. The page opened, but nothing loaded.

“What?” I whispered, peering over at the internet icon. It was grey and not connected. Clicking on that too, a pop-up showed that the laptop wasn’t connected to any internet at all.

What was the point?

Nikolai wanted to keep me so isolated that he didn’t have any internet hooked up in the suite. I was completely disconnected from the outside world.

I only wanted to contact my employer to let them know what had happened. Well, I couldn’t tell them the full story, but I could give them a few white lies to cover my tracks. To cover my father’s tracks, and the Morozovs’.

Without anything else to support me before, I had relied solely on my career. I built it from the ground up and worked my way into a better position. My reputation there was all I had, and I didn’t want them to think I bailed on them.

Would I ever get to go back? I had no idea.

Curious, I clicked on one of the few folders on the desktop, but I was prompted for a password to view the contents. There may not have been a lock on the laptop itself, but the internal contents were sealed up tight, and everything was password protected.

Sighing, I leaned back in the chair and rubbed my exhausted eyes. There was nothing I could do.

The doorbell chimed loudly, and I jumped, slamming the laptop closed. I raced out of the office, turning everything off and closing the door behind me. I didn’t want Nikolai to question me. But the excitement leaped inside my chest, hoping he was back.

Once I reached the hall, I paused, noting that Nikolai wouldn’t ring his own doorbell.

Stepping closer to the front door carefully, I examined the small screen next to it that was hooked up to the camera that faced the hall.

I sighed the moment I clued in and watched as Reina chatted with her bodyguard. I assumed he was one of the cousins I knew so little about.

A pang of envy entered my chest from seeing how easily Reina fit in with everyone. She didn’t resist them or their lifestyle, and she seemed right at home. I wished I could feel that comfortable, but another part of me was afraid to become too relaxed.

Unlocking the door, I met Reina’s eyes, and she smiled warmly. I didn’t even notice the woman with her, holding baby Anya in her arms.

“Hi gorgeous,” Reina said, stepping inside and letting the nanny in behind her. She took my hands in hers and offered me a kind look. “I want to take you out to Ivan’s club. We’ll have some drinks and let loose. How does that sound?”