Where is Kat?!

A chill ran down my back. Not knowing where she was, like an unbearable weight, rested on my shoulders.

Not caring about being barefoot, I raced to the front door and yanked it open, flying out with my momentum.

But I slammed against the back of a guard. One of Nikolai’s.

He was quick to turn around, putting a defensive hand up. “Hey, now. Where do you think you’re off to?”

Panic flooded my system, triggering my fight or flight. Not knowing where Kat was always sent me into a spiral. The unknown killed me. I tried to push past him despite his domineering size. “I need to find my daughter.”

“Don’t worry about that,” the guard said with a shake of his head. He put a hand against my shoulder and directed me back toward the suite. “Nikolai specifically said for you to stay here.”

“I don’t care!” I yelled, lunging at the guard’s side with the hope of breaking away from him.

But I only collided with his shoulder, and the burly man hoisted me into the air, carrying me back inside without a word. He dumped me onto the couch and returned to the door, closing it firmly behind him.

Tears welled in my eyes as the pit of despair widened within my chest.

I was trapped in a different sort of prison, alone and without my daughter. One way or another, I’d get her back.

Chapter 8 - Nikolai

My knuckles were white as I gripped the steering wheel of the all-black Range Rover, weaving in and out of the busy traffic. Even if it was nearly midnight, Miami was busier than ever.

“This better be good,” I grumbled, face set like stone as I waited at a red light, impatiently drumming my fingers against the wheel.

Aleksei snickered from beside me, adjusting his jacket in the passenger seat. “What, were you pulled away from your bride too soon?”

I flashed him a look and accelerated once the light turned green again. “If I’m forced into this marriage, can’t I at least enjoy the one benefit of it?”

Aleksei chuckled and shook his head. “Ivan said something was up with the Balakins, but there’s no reason we can’t end this war with diplomacy. Nobody else needs to die, especially not from our side.”

“They’ve been suspiciously quiet after we killed their men, and there’s no way they aren’t out for blood. They’re planning something, we just don’t know what yet,” I returned, eyes trained on the road. “There won’t be room for diplomacy.”

“You don’t know that,” Aleksei said, always after the option that involved less bloodshed.

“I do know,” I barked, squeezing the wheel. “Ivan wouldn’t have sent me if it weren’t a hostile taunt. Besides, I struck first last time, remember?”

“I was there,” Aleksei scoffed. “It’s about to become hostile with you pulling up like this.”

“You’re only here to talk me down, but you didn’t need to. You shouldn’t have come at all,” I growled, pulling up to the curb outside of a known Balakin hideout. The warehouse was shrouded by darkness as usual, tucked away on the city’s outskirts.

“We’ll see about that,” Aleksei grit, propping open his door. He paused before getting out, throwing me a glance. “Promise me you won’t take the first swing. We will talk first, and only spill blood if that doesn’t work.”

With a reluctant exhale, I pulled away and got out, slamming the door behind me. Aleksei did the same, meeting my glance with a serious expression. “Fine.”

“Why did the big man send his terriers?” Alphonse asked once we entered the dimly lit room, flanked by one of his men. His smug face irked me. “I requested to see him specifically after your little stunt last time.”

My brow cocked, stepping toward him. “So, you’re the reason we’re out here in the middle of the night.”

Aleksei put a conservative arm across my chest to keep me from getting too close, giving me a look. His gaze fell back on the Balakin. “Why did you call?”

Alphonse stood, adjusting the leather gloves on his hands and he took several small, pensive steps toward us. “I’m not so sure I’m comfortable giving this message to some measly grunts.”

His feigned pout was so punch-able, and the disrespect in his words made the irritation bubble beneath my skin. I pushed into Aleksei’s arm caged around me, teeth gritting. “You’re about to experience a world of discomfort if you don’t spit it out.”

The Balakin’s goon stood at my threat, but the head put a hand up to stop him, and he glared in our direction instead. He faced us again, letting go of an exaggerated breath. “Listen, boys. There’s no need for us to escalate things here today, but I thought I’d invite you here to offer some words of caution. Since your leader isn’t here now, feel free to relay it to him.”