“Bravado doesn’t suit you, Stone.”
“It’s courage, not bravado.”
“What’s the difference?”
“Content of character.”
“You don’t have it in you to shoot anybody.”
“I’ve done it before. I’ll do it again.”
“Face-to-face? In the head?”
“Are you going to shoot me, if I recruit Carly?”
“Not you.”
“Why not?”
“Because, if I shoot you, there are too many people who would care. Nobody cares about Gromyko.”
“That’s true, I suppose. All right, I’ll give you a little more time with Carly.”
“You’ll stay away from her at all times, or you’ll make me mad,” Stone said.
“And why do you think I would fear you mad?”
“Because, if you think about it, you’ll realize how many ways I could screw you.”
“Such as?”
“Do you like your job, Lance?”
“Of course.”
“Would you like to keep it?”
There was a silence. “You’re threatening me with going to the president?”
“If I do, you’ll have a hard time working anywhere, ever again.”
“That’s a serious threat,” Lance said. “Can you back it up?”
“Try me.”
Another long silence, then Lance hung up.
Stone hung up, too, and his hand was trembling. Nobody had ever talked that way to Lance. Maybe he had gone too far.
Chapter 38
When Carly came down to the lobby of the Seagram Building, Stone was waiting for her in the Bentley.
“This is unexpected,” she said, sliding in the back seat next to Stone.
“It’s necessary,” Stone said.