Page 5 of Near Miss

“Someone about our Matilda?”

“Yes, the cad from last evening. He has suddenly developed a proprietary interest in her.”

“Did you tell him that ship has sailed?”

“I didn’t bother. I just threw him out.”


“I was ready to, but he sensed that and fled.”

“Did Joan want to shoot him?”

“Of course, but I stayed her hand. No blood on the carpet, and all that.”

“A pity.”

“He’ll be back,” Stone said, “as soon as he finds somebody to do the dirty work for him.”

“Well, then Joan will get another crack at him.”

“No doubt.”

“Can I interest you in some tickets to the policeman’s ball?” Dino asked.

“You mean they’re still using that dodge to raise drinking money?”

“No, it’s now a charity.”

“Put me down for two,” Stone said.

“Good. I’ll bill you the thousand dollars.”

“You’re getting five hundred dollars a ticket? That’s a little steep, isn’t it?”

“It includes a corned beef and cabbage dinner.”

“So, it’s theIrishpoliceman’s ball?”

“Right. You want tickets to the Italian one, too?”

“Take the grand and do with it as you will. And before you ask, I amnotactually attending either of them.”

“Got it.” Dino hung up.

Joan buzzed. “Matilda Martin on two.”

Stone pressed the button. “Good morning.”

“Good morning. I just wanted to thank you for rescuing me last night.”

“You’re welcome. The young man, Molder, called on me this morning and ordered me not to molest you further.”

“Further? You haven’t even started!”

“I didn’t want to tell him that. He seemed to want it to be true.”

“One point: Trench is a coward, but he can still be dangerous.”