“What do you want to know?”
The rest of the story fell into place over the next few hours. When Korolev was confident he had all the facts, he called the Bean Counter.
Lauren answered the phone. “Hello, handsome.”
“Good afternoon, gorgeous.”
“Is this a social call or business?”
“Business, I’m afraid. I need to see the boss. Is he in?”
“Not at the moment, but he should be here in an hour.”
“Can I see him then?”
“You can, or you can come now and wait until he gets here. I’m sure there’s something I could find for you to do.”
“I’m on my way.”
“Trench killed himself with his own bomb?” the Bean Counter said. Gromyko was not going to like this.
“He did.”
“This Bozo character used some rookies to distract the driver of Trench’s intended target, presumably to plant the bomb. Why it was still in the car Trench was in is a mystery.”
“Did you find out who he was trying to kill?”
“At least two people, perhaps three. One is a woman he’d dated named Matilda Martin. The other is a lawyer she apparently took up with after Trench. There was a third person with them that night, not counting the driver, but I don’t know her name yet.”
“Trench’s immature jealousy strikes again. Who was the attorney?”
“Stone Barrington. He’s a partner at—”
“Barrington?” the Bean Counter said, cutting him off. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, sir. Why? Do you know him?”
“Of course, I know him. You should, too.”
Korolev’s brow creased.
“Barrington is the one who killed Serge Gromyko.”
Korolev blinked. He’d been on an assignment in Las Vegas when the first Greek had been killed, so he hadn’t heard all the details.
“You’re absolutely positive it’s him?” the Bean Counter asked.
“One hundred percent.”
Trench had been an idiot to the end. If he wasn’t already dead, the Bean Counter would have killed him himself.
Things had finally calmed down where Barrington was concerned. With Alexei now in charge—and, in effect, the Bean Counter—business was running smoothly, and most importantly, profits were up. Any renewed thoughts of revenge against the attorney put all that at risk.