Page 44 of Near Miss

The street lit up with an explosion that ripped Bozo’s car apart. The shockwave rocked the Bentley, but Fred kept control and presently had them speeding away.

“What was that?” Matilda asked.

She, Stone, and Carly all looked out the back window.

Lying in the middle of the street, and growing more distant by the second, was the flaming hulk of Bozo’s sedan.

“That is the end of your problems with Trench Molder,” Stone said.

“What do you mean?” Her eyes widened. “Are you saying he was in that car?”

“He and his buddy Bozo.”

“You blew him up?”

“I did no such thing. He blew himself up.”

Matilda looked no less confused.

“While we were having diner, Bozo put a bomb under the Bentley. Fred simply returned it to its rightful owners.”

“So, that should have been our car burning back there,” Carly said.

“That was their plan.”

The blood drained from Matilda’s face. “Oh, my God. I... Iknew he wanted us dead, but I didn’t think he’d actually try to do it.”

“Try, yes. Succeed, no.” Stone pulled out his phone and called Dino.

“Miss me already?”

“I thought you’d like to know you’re about to receive word concerning an exploding car.”

“Not yours, I’m guessing.”

“Very astute. I’m not sure who the vehicle belongs to, but I can tell you who was inside.”

“I’m all ears.”

“Trench Molder and his pal Bozo.”

“Next you’re going to tell me you had nothing to do with it.”

“It’s like you’re reading my mind.”

“Anyone hurt on your end?”

“Not a hair on a head.”

“Is there more I should know?”

“Officially, no. Unofficially, the bomb was meant for us.”

“Then unofficially, I’m glad it failed.”

“That makes five of us.”

“That’s my other line ringing. Gotta go.”