Page 41 of Near Miss

“I am told it can.”

“Without any harm to your agent?”

“I don’t think she would have suggested it if that was a possibility.”

“I suppose not.”

“Would you like her to remove it?”

“I would,” Stone said. “Very much.”

“I’ll let her know. We’ll get it someplace safe and—”

“Actually, Mike, I have something else in mind.”

He told Mike what he was thinking, then, after they hung up, he messaged Fred with some instructions before heading back to eat.

An automated voice came through the earbud in Janet Hutto’s ear, announcing she had a call from Mike Freeman. She verbally accepted and Mike was put through.

“Are you still near the bomb?” he asked.

“It’s right above me,” she said, from her position lying underneath the Bentley.

“Excuse me for double-checking, but you are sure you can remove it without accidentally setting it off?”

She’d gone over the specifics before, but she appreciated his caution. “Yes, I’ve stabilized it and can safely transport, so it should be a snap.”

“Then do it. I’ll stay on the line.”

Hutto cut the tape holding the bomb in place and scooted out from under the Bentley with the device cradled in her arm.

“I’m clear. What should I do with it?”

“Fred should have remotely unlocked the trunk while you were under the car.”

She tested the trunk and it moved upward. “Yes. It’s open.”

“Put the device in there and return to your vehicle.”

Hutto did as instructed.

“How are you feeling now?” Fred asked the woman.

“A little better, thank you.”

“Any further thought about phoning the police?”

She shook her head. “I’d rather not. I don’t need that kind of trouble.”

“Very well. If you’re all right on your own, I should get back to my car.”

She sneaked a look at her watch, but Fred didn’t miss it. Apparently, the amount of time she’d been told to keep him busy had passed, because she said, “I’m fine. Though I could use a drink.”

“May I suggest the bar? I understand they have a wide selection of whatever you might want.”

“What a lovely idea. Care to join me?”

“Not while on duty, I’m afraid.”