When all was done, she said, “That was just a little reminder, so you don’t forget me.”
“My dear, why would I ever forget you?”
“Why, indeed?”
The following morning when Stone went down to his office, and instructed Joan on Carly’s carry license application, he found a phone message from Herb Fisher waiting for him, and he called back.
“What the hell are you doing with my new associate?” Herb asked.
“She’s doing it for herself,” Stone replied. “You’ve heard the news about her bar exam score?”
“Not yet.”
“One hundred percent.”
“Sheaced it?”
“She did, and she’s already making rain.”
“That, I heard about.”
“Eggers had dinner with us last night, and he gave her a twenty-five percent raise and a new office on the spot.”
“Two doors down.”
“Holy shit.”
“And a leather sofa and a TV that disappears into a cabinet.”
“Jesus, I had to buy my own TV.”
“Get used to it, pal. She’s going to be a jump ahead of you every day.”
“Can I give her back to Eggers?”
“He’d probably like that, but don’t worry, she’ll propel herself along. She won’t need your help. She can make you look good, if you don’t complain about her.”
“Then I’ll keep my mouth shut and just go along for the ride.”
“That would be a smart move, if you can manage it. Oh, and don’t try to get her in the sack. You’ll ruin yourself around the firm, if you should manage it.”
“Don’t worry, I’m otherwise engaged at the moment.”
“Then just hang on and enjoy watching her work her magic.”
They both hung up.
Chapter 19
Fred drove Stone to Woodman & Weld that morning, then picked him up again right before lunch, and headed for home. They’d only gone a few blocks when he said, “I don’t mean to alarm you, but we appear to have picked up a tail.”
Stone didn’t look back. “Anyone we know?”
“I noticed him when I was waiting for you, but that was the first time I’d seen him.”