Page 4 of Near Miss

Chapter 3

Stone was at his desk the following morning when his secretary, Joan, rapped on his door.


“A walk-in, says Bill Eggers sent him.”

Bill Eggers was Stone’s managing partner at Woodman & Weld.

“Better send him in,” Stone said.

The young man who entered his office was all too familiar from the night before, when he had abandoned Matilda Martin at Clarke’s.

“My name is Trench Molder,” the man said, not offering a hand but taking a seat, unasked.

“I’m happy to know your name, Mr. Molder. How is it you know Bill Eggers?”

“I don’t,” Molder replied, “but I thought his name might get me in here.”

“And now that you have accomplished that goal, how can I help you?”

“Simple. Just stay away from Matilda Martin, and we will have no further business.”

“I’m afraid we already have no further business,” Stone said. “But I can tell you that neither do you and Ms. Martin have any further business.”

“That’s presumptuous of you,” Molder said

“Not really, since it reflects the wishes of the young lady.”

“I presume she slept here last night,” Molder said.

“She did not,” Stone said. “Where did you sleep?”

Molder apparently did not wish to say. “Wherever I wanted to,” he managed, finally.

“Good. Now, will you kindly leave these premises?”

“Or what?”

“That’s the last time I’ll ask you politely.”

“Who gives a shit?”

Stone saw Joan appear behind Molder, her Colt .45 half-concealed in her skirt.

Stone shook his head. “It won’t be necessary to shoot him,” he said. “He’s leaving right now.” Stone stood up and walked around his desk. Molder stood, turned, and stalked out.

“Aw, shucks,” Joan said. “I was looking forward to it.”

“Maybe later,” Stone said, “if he returns.”

“I’ll count on it,” Joan replied, then went back to her desk.

Stone’s cell rang. Dino. “Hello?”

“I just had a strong feeling that you might need me.”

“That’s very psychic of you, but fortunately the threat you imagined has vanished.”