“Copy. Starting countdown. T-minus ninety seconds.”
The van stopped next to a loading dock at the back of the hotel, and the truck pulled in behind it.
“Sixty seconds,” the man from team four announced.
“Radios on, night vision ready,” the Corporal said, “and everyone out.”
Teddy donned his earbud and night vision goggles, tilting the latter up so they were off his eyes, then he exited the truck with the others. More men climbed out of the van, including the Sarge.
This was the closest Teddy had been able to get to him so far, but he still wasn’t close enough.
The Sarge motioned everyone to a door on the dock, and they all jogged into position.
Over the radio came, “Fifteen seconds.”
The Sarge looked around. “No mistakes.”
The men answered with nods.
“Five... four... three... two... one...”
Chapter 69
In the ballroom, Bill Eggers and Herb Fisher smiled as Stone and Carly walked up to table number one.
“Stone,” Bill said, “we were starting to wonder if we would ever see you again.”
“What?” Stone said. “And deprive you of my charm? Never.” He shook Bill’s hand. “Congratulations on being honored tonight.”
“I think it was the only way they could get me to come to the dinner,” Bill said.
“You and me both.”
“Count me in on that,” Herb Fisher said.
Bill turned to Carly. “And here’s our rising star. Good evening, Carly.”
“Good evening.”
“Carly, don’t you have something to tell Herb?” Stone said.
Bill’s brow creased. “No one’s tried to poach you away from us already, have they?”
“Not officially.”
Her answer did not assuage Bill’s concern.
“Lance Cabot made an inquiry,” Stone said, “but I told him in no uncertain terms she was not available.”
“It’s my understanding he can be tenacious,” Bill said.
“He can be, but so can I. If he does talk to her, Carly and I have already agreed to have a very serious conversation about what a job with Lance would mean.” Stone smiled at Carly. “Isn’t that right?”
“Tell Lance no and talk to you,” she said.
“See,” Stone said to Bill, “nothing to worry about.”
Bill looked appeased.