Stone looked around. “Everybody’s here,” he said, “except Bob. Where’s my dog?”
“We had to restrain him from visiting,” Joan said from across the room. “He’ll be waiting when you come home.”
“Tell him ‘woof’ for me.”
“If I promise not to die, will you let me out of here now?” he asked the doctor.
“You’re in no condition not to die. If you stood up now, you’d fall down.”
“You know, you are the first blackjack victim I’ve had for years. I’d forgotten how effective those things can be.”
“I would arrest Huff for assault with a deadly weapon, if he weren’t already dead,” Dino said. He tossed a blackjack into Stone’s lap. “There’s a souvenir for you. Huff’s is in an evidence bag, but it’s the same kind as this one.”
“And you just happened to have it lying around?” Stone asked.
“A good cop never reveals his sources.”
“May I?” the doctor asked, picking up the thing and slapping it into his palm. “Oh, to be a cop.”
“Cops aren’t allowed to carry blackjacks anymore,” Dino said. “It was too easy to kill somebody with one.”
Dr. Herbert set the blackjack down, said, “See you later,” and walked out of the room.
“I’m going to get some sleep,” Stone said, and then he was unconscious again.
Chapter 9
Stone was home in time for lunch the next day. Bob greeted him enthusiastically, and Stone found him a cookie to reward his adoring opinion of his master.
“Want some good news?” Joan asked.
“Always,” Stone replied.
“I’m closing on my house soon.” Joan had inherited a very large town house off Fifth Avenue, and it had been too much for her.
“What did you end up getting for it?”
“Twenty-three and a half million, mostly furnished. I took some pictures and a few pieces of furniture.”
“Good move. Where will you live now?”
“Back in my apartment next door. It’s all the house I need for me and, when you’re gone, Bob.”
Bob wagged all over at the mention of his name, and Stone scratched his back.
Dino walked into the house. “I came to see if you were dead yet.”
“Sorry to disappoint you.”
“I’m not disappointed; I’m elated to see you breathing on your own.”
“Well, if you’ll forgive me, I’m going to lie down for a few minutes.” He stretched out on the sofa. “Have you arrested Trench what’s-his-name yet?”
“On what charge? Knowing a guy who hit you with a blackjack?”