Page 137 of Near Miss

“I’ll remember that for next time.”

“The next time I might die?”

“In my experience, it’s not a rare thing.”

He couldn’t argue her point.

Later that morning, Joan appeared in the doorway of his office, holding up a piece of paper on which was written:Dino on 1. The bugged clock was still on his bookshelf, so caution needed to be taken in its presence.

He relocated to the room Carly was using as her office, where she was engrossed in something on her computer. “I need to use your phone,” he said.

Without looking at him, she waved at it. “Help yourself.”

He picked up the receiver and punched line one. “Hi, Dino.”

“Thought you’d like to know, I had the bomb experts sweep the hotel, and they didn’t find anything.”

“Strike explosions off the list.”

“Don’t be too hasty. He could always fire an RPG at your car.”

“Are you purposely trying to up my anxiety level, or is there some other reason you called?”

“I wanted to remind you to make sure you’re carrying this evening. It’s not a night to forget that kind of thing.”

“So I’ve been told by other sources.”

“Other sources would be correct,” Dino said.

“I’ll see you tonight.”

“Here’s hoping.”

Stone hung up and noticed Carly was still staring at her computer. He leaned over so he could see the screen. On it was the website for the CIA.

“Carly, did Lance Cabot contact you?”

“No. Was he meant to?”

“Quite the contrary. He promised me he wouldn’t.”

“Then he’s living up to his word.”

“Why are you on the CIA website?”


“What kind of research?”

“Youdidsay Lance would talk to me eventually. I want to be prepared for when that happens.”

“That site will only tell you one side of the story, and not a complete one at that.”

“Which is why I have also read four books and twenty-seven magazine articles, from differing viewpoints.”

“Carly, you are not seriously considering accepting an offer from Lance, are you?”

“No offer has been given, so there is nothing to consider yet.”