Page 126 of Near Miss

“One guess who that would be.”

“The Russians,” Dino said, “by way of the Sarge, most likely. Am I close?”

“You got it in one.”

“What I don’t get is if they’re planning to kill you, why send you messages like Greco’s corpse and this fancy clock, instead of just doing it?”

“Aside from the fact that I’m glad they are taking their time, I think they were at first trying to scare me. Now, they may be attempting to get me to do something.”

“Other than to avail yourself of the Dalby Family’s services?”

“Other than that.”

“Like what?”

“Ask for Ed Rawls’s help.”

“That makes sense. Easier to kill you if you’re together.”

Stone had been close to doing just that.

“Maybe I should issue an APB for the Sarge,” Dino said, “as a person of interest in Peter Greco’s murder.”

“He’d never let himself get caught.”

“No, but he’d have to be more cautious. No more freely moving around.”

That was true. “Good idea.”

“I have them on occasion.”

“So I’ve heard.”

Joan peeked her head into the room. “Ed Rawls on two.”

“I’ll let you two bond over your shared destiny,” Dino said, and hung up.

Stone switched to the other line. “Hello, Ed. Everything all right?”

“So far so quiet today,” Ed said. “The Metropolitan Police have the area around Sarah’s house locked down. I have to say, though, I’m not used to being under police protection. It’s a little like being back in prison, just with a nicer cell.”

“And cellmate,” Stone said.

“That also is a plus. But I am starting to wonder if you might need me back there.”

“I’d advise against it.”

“Has the threat level to you gone down?”

“Quite the opposite.” Stone told him about the package, and his and Dino’s theory about the Sarge baiting Ed to return.

“As much as I hate to say this, you’re probably right. The only way they can get to me here is by shooting an anti-tank missile at the house, from several blocks away.”

“Do you think that’s a possibility?”

Ed said nothing for a moment. “A possibility? Yes, but not a large one. Obtaining and moving a missile around the U.K. would be more difficult than back home.”

“You sound as if you feel safe there,” Stone said. “I recommend you stay.”