Page 123 of Near Miss

“That’s a nice way of putting it,” he said.

“Well, what they said was closer to ‘you cannot go anywhere near Stone Barrington until further notice.’ I take it you are under threat of death again.”


“Who is it this time? Wait. Don’t tell me. If I really want to know, I’ll ask Lance. Can I at least assume it’s not a jealous husband?”

“You can.”

“That’s good to hear, but I’m disappointed you are unavailable to me, and for an indeterminant time. You are a wonderful stress reliever.”

“I hope I’m good for more than that.”

From the seat beside him, Carly gave him a curious look.

“You are, have no doubt about that. It’s just a woman in my position has few chances to get comfortably naked with someone who knows how to please them.”

“You could always try someone who doesn’t know how to please you, and consider it a chance to train them.”

“Who has the time for that? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you to try to stay alive. The mood of your president depends on it.”

“I’ll do what I can, Madam President.”

He hung up.

“Did you just get a booty call from the president of the United States?”

“I plead the Fifth.”

Carly slid her arm through his. “You should call her back and tell her you are currently occupied.”

“No need. She’s not coming. The Secret Service aren’t keen about the Russian mob’s current interest in me.”



“It’s just... Is it wrong that I’m suddenly grateful someone wants you dead?”

“Carly, that mind of yours is a dangerous place.”

“You are not the first person to say that, but I can never tell if it’s a compliment or not.”

“Pretend it is, and we’ll all be happy.”

Dino was at the bar when they arrived.

“I thought you were traveling with an entourage,” Dino said.

“We are,” Stone said. “There are at least six of Mike Freeman’s people scattered throughout the restaurant, and four more at the front door, who arrived with the two cars that escorted us.”

“Mike is not messing around.”

“He never does.”

They had one drink and then were shown to their table. During appetizers, Stone’s secure phone rang again.

“I never knew the president was so persistent,” Carly said.