Page 110 of Near Miss

“You going, too?”

“No, I’m going to deal with it at this end.”

“As you wish.” They hung up.

Stone went back to the living room. “You’re aboard a Strategic Services jet tomorrow morning, wheels up at eight. Mike says don’t bring weapons.”

“Got it,” Ed said.

“Are you going to stay at your house tonight?” Stone asked.

“I haven’t figured that out.”

“I think we’d all better fly back to the city after lunch. I’ll put you up for the night, and Fred can drive you to Teterboro in the morning.”

“Thank you, I’m grateful.”

“Go back and get your stuff after we eat.”

“It’s already in the car,” Ed said.

Joan welcomed them all back to the city, and said, “We’ve had some lurkers.”

“When and how many?” Stone asked.

“Two. They were around yesterday, then back this morning. They left about the time you landed.”

“Well, either they’ve anticipated my flight schedule, or maybe they just got tired of watching an empty house, preferably the latter.”

“What can I do?” Joan asked.

“Just keep the house looking uninhabited.”

“Okay, no lights on the street side.”

“And make sure we’re always locked down,” Stone said.

“You want me to shoot a couple of them?” Rawls asked.

“No, let’s just let them wonder. If you need to leave the house, go through the garage tunnel or the garden gate. If anyone sees anybody who looks out of place, I want to hear about it immediately.”

After Ed and Joan left the room, Carly said, “I’m not accustomed to being penned in.”

“We’ll try and keep you entertained,” Stone said.

“Can you do that in bed? Right now, if you like.”

“After dinner,” Stone said. “I’ve got some catching up to do before that.”

“I’ll try to contain myself. In the meantime, I’ll unpack and have a nap, so as to be fresh.” She pinched him on the ass and headed upstairs.

They had an early-evening drink in Stone’s study, then sat down to dine at seven.

Joan joined them. “The watchers have not returned,” she said.

“I spoke to Greco a while ago,” Stone said to Ed. “He said some people had a look at your property in Islesboro, then went away in a boat.”

“What, they didn’t torch it?”