Page 94 of Near Miss

“We’re not in Scotland, Dino,” Stone replied. “It doesn’t rain constantly here. There are often sunny days.”

“Whatever you say,” Dino replied, gazing at the rain beating against the windows on the seaward side of the house.

“It’s nice weather for the fire,” Carly pointed out.

“Thank you for that,” Stone said. He poured himself a drink and sat down. “I have news from my meeting with Peter Greco.”

“Did he shoot you twice in the head?” Dino asked.

“You will note that my head has only the usual number of holes.”

“Did he miss?”

“This morning, after the Greek’s funeral, Greco was appointed the new head of the family.”

“You should be wearing full body armor,” Dino counseled.

“On the contrary, he is meeting with his council on Monday, and at that time he will give them instructions that neither I nor mine—which includes you lot—are to be touched.”

“I’m happy to be included in your lot,” Dino said.

“We are still to be careful until word has filtered down to the soldier level.”

“Careful?” Carly asked. “What does that mean?”

“Don’t go out alone,” Dino said, “and when you do, go armed.”

“That’s what we were doing anyway, wasn’t it?” she asked.

“Then just keep on doing it. Peter says he’s taking all the family businesses fully legal.”

“Does that include the murder and mayhem part?” Viv asked.

“Apparently, Gromyko incorporated most everything and started paying taxes.”

“You can do that with murder and mayhem?”

“Businesses have been doing that for centuries. But I do believe he intends to divest himself of that particular avenue.”

“Will wonders never cease?” Viv asked.

“Wonders remain to be seen,” Stone replied. “I will say that I am encouraged by what he told me.”

“You are easily encouraged,” Dino said.

“Perhaps, but I am not credulous. I’ve gotten to know him a bit, and I appreciate what he’s trying to do.”

“Does that mean you’re his lawyer now?”

“No, it doesn’t. I’ve explained to Peter that Woodman & Weld deals only with upright clients.”

“Some of your clients will be surprised to hear that,” Dino said.

“You won’t find a cleaner, more ethical law firm in the city,” Stone replied.

“Okay,” Dino said. “I suppose I can stretch your credibility that far.”

“I’m so grateful,” Stone said.