Page 37 of Near Miss

“It’s like you’re reading my mind. I’ll get changed.”

“And I’ll call Dino.”

As Stone and Matilda were getting into the Bentley, Carly pulled into the garage.

“Hungry?” Stone called to her.


“Then you should join us.”

The look Matilda gave Stone as he climbed in beside her wasn’t exactly annoyed, but it wasn’t not annoyed, either.

“My dear, your green is showing.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Carly popped her head through the doorway a moment later. “I hope I’m not imposing.”

“Not at all,” Matilda said, instantly cheery.

“We’re meeting Dino,” Stone said. “So, you can be his date.”

“No Viv?”

“Working, I’m afraid.”

“My luck, then.”

“Please don’t tell him that, I’ll never hear the end of it.”

They were halfway to Patroon when Fred said, “Our friend is back.”

“What friend?” Matilda asked.

Stone told her and Carly about being followed that morning. Matilda started to turn her head so she could look out the back window.

“Don’t,” Stone said. “We don’t want him to know we know he’s there.”

“Do you know who it is?” Carly asked.

“I personally haven’t seen him, but from Fred’s description, it’s Bozo.”

“The clown?”

“You and Fred should hang out more. This Bozo works with our friend Trench.”

Matilda huffed. “Trench is not my friend.”

“Nor mine.” Stone called Mike Freeman, since Dino would also be on the way to Patroon. “I have a situation I could use some help with.” He explained about the tail.

“How do you want us to handle it?”

“Keep an eye on him and be ready in case he tries anything.”

“How likely do you think that will be?”
