Page 65 of Distant Thunder

“Like a microcosm of England: fields and hills. I don’t think we’ll get over there this trip. The local yacht club, called the Royal Yacht Squadron, would be safe enough, but it sits on one side of the Parade, which is always filled with people, some of whom might have evil intentions.”

“Another time, then.”

“Right. It’s very pleasant there. Did you see any suspicious characters on the ride down here?”

“Nary a one.”

“Nor did I. Now let’s see if we can get back to the stables without getting fired upon.”

They rode homeat a gallop, right into the stable yard, where they gave the horses to the groom and went inside to the library for a drink.

“Something I forgot to show you,” Stone said. He opened a panel next to the fireplace and showed her a pair of shotguns and a deer rifle. “Just in case,” he said.

“Have you got something light in a handgun that I can carry?” she asked. “I’d like that better.”

“Upstairs,” he said. “I’ll find you something when we go up to shower.”

“I like this room so much,” she said, curling up in a chair with her drink. “It’s like something out of a Merchant Ivory film.”

“Well put,” Stone said, then dozed in his chair.


When Stone awokefrom his nap, Vanessa had been replaced by Lance, who now occupied a facing chair. He was doing theTimesof London crossword, and quickly, which annoyed Stone, because he had never been able to get a single word on an English crossword.

“A good ride, I hope,” Lance said, tossing the puzzle into the fireplace before Stone could rescue it for the answers.

“Yes, good. Things are so quiet here that I wonder if we haven’t brought off this disappearance thing.”

“Possibly, but in my experience, Russians are a patient lot. They’re probably just sitting around, waiting for you to pop up, like one of those ducks at a carnival.”

“Not a sitting one, I hope.”

“Well, I had three guns, all sharpshooters, out there this morning, two in the forest and one in the Arrington, up high. They spotted nothing, somewhat to their disappointment. They had hoped for something to shoot at.”

“Does that mean they believe that I’m not in England, or just here, in Hampshire? Can we safely pop up to London for a few days?”

“They may believe you’re not here, but I wouldn’t chance a trip to London just yet. Too many ways and places to get spotted.”

Stone sighed. “Oh, well.”

“Why can’t you be satisfied with a little peace in this gorgeous place? Isn’t that why you bought it?”

“Part of the ‘why’ is that it’s close to London.”

“Is this you or Vanessa talking?”

“It’s all me. She hasn’t said a word or dropped a hint. Do you think we’d be safe for a night in Cowes?”

“Probably, as long as you stick to the squadron. I’ll come along and deal with your lines if you like.”

“Good idea.” Stone called Major Bugg and asked him to book marina space and rooms in the castle.

Vanessa came in, still in her riding clothes, but looking refreshed.

“Our fearless leader has approved an excursion to Cowes,” Stone said. “After lunch, pick out a dress.”