Page 80 of Distant Thunder

“No, she probably had the place cased. She’d have taken the elevator to the basement and walked out up the alley to the street and into a cab.”

“Figures,” Viv said. “I didn’t see anybody leave the building when I was sitting in the car.”

“Now what we have to do is decide where to go,” Stone said.

Viv thought about it. “Do you have any reason to believe that Majorov’s people know about your house in Key West?”

“No,” Stone said.

“Then I think we should continue our trip, as if nothing had happened.”

“I’ve got to deal with Vanessa’s body.”

“You can do that on the phone or let Lance deal with it. She’s one of his, after all.”

“Good point,” Stone said.


Back in the car,Stone called Faith.

“Yes, sir?”

“Change of plan: move the airplane to Westchester County Airport and file for Palm Beach International. We’ll change our destination en route.”

“Got it.”

Stone called Lance on his private encrypted line.

“Cabot,” he said.

“It’s Stone. What have you heard?”

“Nothing. What are you talking about?”

“Dino, Viv, Vanessa, and I were about to depart for points south. We stopped to pick up Vanessa. Dino and I went up to her place and found her on the bathroom floor, bleeding. TheEMTs weren’t able to bring her around. The ME says the technique was the same as used on Rosie.”

“Well, shit,” Lance said.

“Have you located Jack Collins?”

“Nearly, not precisely.”

“Somebody needs to attend to Vanessa’s body.”

“Where is she?”

“City morgue, by now.”

“I’ll deal with it from this end. Are you headed where I think you’re headed?”


“I think that’s the safest place you can be right now.”

“That’s what we thought.”

“I’ll speak to you later, hopefully with news of Jack.” Lance hung up.