Page 35 of The Vampire Crown

I still don’t know what to say or think or do after everything he said.

It was only when the shock wore off that small details began gnawing at me. I cannot help feeling that Cassius isstillnot telling me everything. He was a little too flippant.

For two hours, I’d waited for him to return, eventually choosing to face my own demon—a decision I now regret. I was distracted the entire time, and Varin used it against me, and now every inch of my body aches.

Now, here I stand, too much of a coward to walk through the doors. How can I go inside and demand more, knowing how he feels and what he would have done? I lean against the opposite wall with my arms folded over my chest.

Perhaps it’s unfair to be angry with Cassius for holding back when I am keeping secrets of my own. Is it any different just because I’ve convinced myself that my reason for keeping things from my friends is to keep them safe?

Others caring about what happens to me is nothing like I imagined. I want to be more open, to confide in them, but how can I burden them? How can I justify putting their lives at risk?

No matter what I do, the chances I will live to see the end are slim. I may have enhanced abilities from my bond with Alaric and a demon willing to let me borrow their powers… but Elizabeth is a vampire with an army at her back.

“I must know what that door has done to offend you so,” Lawrence drawls.

My thoughts are too at odds with his teasing for me to respond. Not capable of anything more constructive, I turn and walk in the opposite direction. It feels like I was trampled by a harmony of demons, and I move slow to avoid limping.

Not getting the hint—or maybe choosing to ignore it—Lawrence catches up and effortlessly keeps pace.

“You look exhausted.”

I send him a sidelong glance. “I’m rested enough.” After a pause, I add, “Unless that’s yourniceway of saying I look like a demon’s ass?”

He snorts.

“Thank you for your concern, however, it’s unwarranted.”

“Mentally and emotionally,” he says, far too gently. “There is more than one way to wear yourself down.”

That strikes a chord… and I hate it. If given a choice, I would much rather deal with his thinly veiled insults than his genuine worry.

Much to my surprise, Lawrence doesn’t comment on my aimless and wandering route, and no matter how silent I am or how hard I try to ignore him, he doesn’t leave my side.

After a while, we end up in a part of the castle I am unfamiliar with. My stride slows.

Neither of us speak more than a few words here and there. I pointedly ignore the awkwardness between us, focusing on memorizing the twists and turns.

“I owe you an apology,” Lawrence says, clearing his throat.

His words make me jolt more than the abrupt breaking of the strained silence. I stop and gape at his back.

With an exasperated sigh, he turns before continuing. He doesn’t even attempt to hide the roll of his eyes at my reaction. “I lost my temper and shouldn’t have taken it out on you when it was not your fault.”

The look on his face doesn’t quite match what he’s saying. I regard him with suspicion.

“Della put you up to this, didn’t she?” I say slowly.

He sniffs and looks away. “Some might call it twisting my arm.” Lawrence pins me with a glare. “Della isn’t usually so outspoken. It seems she picked up a few habits from you. I just hope she doesn’t start scheming, or the Otherworld only knows what else.” After a pause, he adds, “I wouldn’t say anything if it wasn’t sincere.”

Lawrence is walking again before I finish processing it all. I hurry to catch up, matching his stride.

“Thank you.”

He darts a glance at me from the corner of his eye but doesn’t respond. The corner of his mouth twitches up. It would have been impossible to catch if I wasn’t looking.

He leads the way. This time, the quiet that falls between us is easy. I’m not sure we would call ourselves friends, but it’s more than a superficial acquaintance. I don’t think there’s a term for reluctant, almost friends.

Lawrence pulls me aside, caging me in with his hands planted against the wall. Then he slowly leans forward.