Page 103 of The Vampire Crown

“Why?” I ask, a waver in my throat. I can’t let him die. Not because of me. Not when too many have already died trying to help me.

Cassius coughs, then winces. “I am sorry, little bird,” he says. “I did not want you to worry about me on top of everything else.”

“What are you saying?” I bite out. With every blink, another tear slides free, burning a briny trail down my face.

He lets his arm go limp at his side and sighs, his eyes falling shut. It seems to take great effort to open them again, and when he does, the green shimmers beneath the glassy surface. “There is always a price to magic, especially where life and death are concerned.”

My stomach churns with the need to be sick, but I force the sensation down. I will not turn from him. Comprehension hovers along the edges of my mind—a conversation left hanging, unfinished, between us.


“I was glad to do this for you.” The way he says it feels like a surrender and a goodbye.

“Stop it. Don’t you dare give up. We will stop the bleeding and you—” my voice cracks, and a sob breaks free of my chest.

The look of heartbreak and pity on his face cuts me off. “Even without injury, at best, I would only have a few days left.”

“How is that possible? I don’t understand.” I bite down hard on the inside of my bottom lip.

He sighs. Shifts. “But you do.”

I shake my head, refusing to listen. Refusing to accept. But I can’t stop the threads from tying together and forcing the truth on me.

Back at the oracle’s cabin.

You should have told her.

She will find out later, after she heals.

Thisis how we were bound. He hadn’t simply given me a few years of his life as he claimed—he traded it in exchange for mine.


And now the magic has come to collect its due.

Is that why I was able to beat him when we trained? Was this the secret darkening his expressions?

“Go, Clara, stop Elizabeth, save your bonded. Do not let this be in vain.” Cassius hisses in a sharp breath and holds it as he tenses. After the wave of pain passes, he reaches up to caress my face, thumb swiping away a tear. “I am relieved Asmod will have you.”

As if summoned by their very name, the demon slithers up to us, brushing against his side. Cassius strokes the demon snake’s head lovingly. When he lifts his head again, there’s a fiery gleam in his green eyes. “Now, go.”

I am frozen. Everything inside me is warring. I have to stop Elizabeth and get Alaric away from her. But how can I leave Cassius like this?

Lawrence kneels beside me. His cool hand settles atop mine. “I will take care of him. We’ve all done our part, now it is time for you to do yours.”

“Clara…” his voice is a rasp. “You need to go.”

My hand trembles as I remove it. Then I lean forward and press a kiss to the corner of Cassius’s mouth. “Fight for me,” I whisper. “I am not ready to lose you, too.”

“I will do my best.” It is a promise. Not a simple platitude without conviction behind it.

Selfishly, I steal one more moment before rising. Some part of my heart splinters and falls away to remain behind.



Varin aidsmy movements as I weave through the waning fight. Asmod catches up as I reach the top of the dais. We slip through the doorway and into a darkened corridor, lit only by the light leaking in from the throne room.