Page 26 of The Vampire Crown

Talons clack a slow,steady rhythm against dry stone. It instantly puts me on edge. Self-preservation keeps my feet planted within arm’s reach of the door.

Squinting into the dark cell, I can’t see any hint of Varin, despite the fact that they can almost fill half the space with their full size.

The tap, tap, tapping stops abruptly.

I hold my breath, slowly reaching for the door. The sound of my pulse racing nearly drowns out the quiet tinkle of metal chains.

Just as my fingers brush over the cool metal of the handle, hot breath fans over the side of my face. A low growl freezes my blood. They crossed the distance without sound. Shadow passing through shadow. I hadn’t sensed any sign of their approach.

“And to what do I owe the pleasure of your company at such a late hour?” The question is casual, but there is a coldness underneath that keeps me alert.

It takes more courage than I’d like to admit to respond. “We need to train.”

After two nights’ sleep and heartier meals, I feel refreshed and stronger. I wonder how much of my enhanced abilities are from the bond with Alaric, and how much is thanks to Varin. Though I suppose I’ll find out soon enough by the demon’s reaction to how well I do.

Varin chuckles humorlessly as they move back, letting the cover of shadows slip off them like droplets of water. The effect makes my eyes itch.

It should have been impossible for a demon their size to go unseen in any corner of space this small. Let alone keep from making noise with their chains.

“I had begun to wonder if you intended on returning, or if you mistakenly believed you were strong enough to handle the full force of what you bargained for.”

So that is why they are upset—because I didn’t return when they wanted me to… even though they sent me away when I did try. “Of course, I was going to come back. I’m here now, aren’t I?”

They snort. “Have you forgotten that I can sense your presence?”

“No, I didn’t—”

“You left the grounds as soon as you woke, and when you finally returned, you dallied. I’m curious what was so important that you neglected your responsibilities.”

I could tell them I left with Della because she wanted to help. Or how seeing the way Alaric looked at me had crushed my spirit. But no matter what, everything that happened sounds like nothing more than weak excuses.

“I will do my best to keep anything from interfering again.”

Varin is silent for a long stretch before they return to crouch in the darkest corner. Only the faint outline of their shape and the dim, red glow of their eyes are visible through the shadows they pull toward them.

“I saw a friend in the city earlier,” I say, wanting to ease the tension. “He is searching for a way to break the curse.”

Varin raises their head at that. “So, that is where you ran off to.” They shift, rattling the silver chains that bind them. “You were looking for a way out of our bargain.”

I blink in confusion. Once their meaning sinks in, I realize they have misunderstood. “No,” I say firmly.

Trust is a delicate thing. The more often it’s broken, the harder it is to grow. Only those who know little of betrayal spend trust like an overabundance of coin. Words are only the soil in which it’s planted. It needs the sunlight and water of action.

“I made a deal with you, and even if I found another way to save Alaric, I will still hold up my end.”

Gradually, I inch closer, only stopping when I’m well within reach. This makes my promise to Oliver harder to keep, but not impossible.

“Seeing him was unexpected. I was only in the city because Della dragged me there to have dresses made.”

Varin leans forward, setting their hands on either side of me. Gravel jumps over the ground around my feet as their taloned fingers dig into the stone. “You waste your time buying pretty dresses for a victory that is not yet in your grasp? I have to question if you truly want my powers to save your vampire or if there is another motive behind it.”

I gape at the mercurial creature. Hurt and irritation spark, quickly growing into anger, strengthened by the bond. Not used to the heightened emotions it creates, it slips from my unpracticed grasp. “Did you forget the reasonyouwanted to bargain with me?” I snap.

Varin growls in warning at my impudence, but I hold my ground.

“I don’t give two demon shits about dresses or any reason I might need them. If my friends want to help, I am in no position to turn them down, especially when I haven’t a clue where to begin. And in case you forgot, I am a human in a castle filled with vampires—many of whom would like to see me dead. I don’t have the luxury of freedom. I must watch for guards and sneak around and make sure I am never in a place that is too empty or too crowded.” When I finish venting my frustrations, my breathing is ragged.

Losing my temper wasn’t part of my plan, but there must be a limit to accusations. With every passing second, the curse is gradually eating away at Alaric.