Page 105 of The Vampire Crown

She growls low and her nails press in hard enough to cause more blood to run down, staining Alaric’s white color.

The dagger slips from my grip. It clatters against the floor. Two cold hands connect with my back, shoving me forward to the middle of the room. The Voice kicks my dagger, sending it spinning out of reach. It comes to a stop as the hilt collides with Alaric’s foot.

Elizabeth’s fingers flex.

“Don’t hurt him!” The demand leaps from my tongue.

Fury blazes in Elizabeth’s eyes. Desperation makes me quick. I pull the amber bottle from my pocket and hold it up between us.

Her eyes narrow, the anger dying out. Replaced by something colder than a winter storm.

Elizabeth lowers her arm and saunters closer. For the first time, I see where the arrow sliced her bodice. Pale skin shows through the tear in the fabric. There is only the thinnest line of blood from a scratch, already healed. Patches of flakey white sores mottle the area. A shiver crawls down my spine at the sight.

“I was wondering what you did with that.” She reaches out for it, but I jerk my hand away.

“I will break it if you come any closer.”

Elizabeth throws her head back and lets out a sharp laugh. “Do that, and I will grind your bones into dust, right after I make you watch as I rip Alaric’s heart out with my bare hands.”

We are at a standstill. My gaze darts around, never leaving her for more than a fraction of a second.

Demon shit.

I will make you suffer for all the trouble you have caused.” Maliciousness glints in her eyes, but she keeps her distance.

Whatever she put in the vial… she wants it.

My heart hammers against the cage of my ribs. “Let him go and I will give it to you.”

Red splotches break out across her pale skin, rising from her chest and moving up her neck to her cheeks. The idea that I would dare command her in any way, makes her seethe.

I am balancing on a fine line. Anger will make her careless, but if I am not careful and push her too far, she could lash out faster than I can react.

“I will enjoy every second as I take you apart, until there is no doubt that you are well and truly dead.”

The beat of wings pulses through the air. Elizabeth’s demon soars through the opening overhead, coming to perch on her shoulder. Kharis watches me with glowing red eyes. The wing that was hit earlier is missing a few feathers, a small patch of white tarnishing the oil-slick black.

A slow smile slides over her face. “I will release him.”

Suspicion laces its fingers around my heart. “In exchange for what?” I prod when she doesn’t continue.

“All you have to do is drink what is in your hand.” Elizabeth glances over her shoulder at Alaric. “Break your bond with him, and I might just let you live.”

A heavy weight settles in me.

She knew when we bonded ourselves to each other, and even though I didn’t die in that field, the bond was broken that day. So, she should be able sense that it’s no longer there. Which means my hunch was correct—it was never what she claimed, but poison.

When I hesitate too long, she spins and strides back over to Alaric and rips his jacket open, pressing her nails against the spot over his heart. The metal tips dig in, causing red to bloom over his white shirt.

“Fine,” I gasp, panic stealing the strength from my voice. “I’ll do it.”

She watches me.

Popping the cork with my thumb, I bring the vial to my lips and swallow it in a single gulp. It’s bitter on my tongue, leaving behind a strong, earthy aftertaste.

A golden brow arches, demanding proof. I hold out my hand, showing the empty bottle. It slides over my fingers, cracking against the gray stone floor with a hollow clink.

Varin, I call down to the demon within me.