Taking up the reins, I start walking with the horses. I don’t get far before Cassius falls into step beside me as if we are strolling through a garden.
“I never thanked you for taking care of me after what happened with Elizabeth.”
“I was glad to and would do it a thousand times over,” he says casually.
Heat stings my face despite the cold air. “Why?”
Cassius takes my arm, stopping me and I force myself to meet his gaze. “I have already told you why.”
My brows crash together.When had he told me?
“I care for you,” he adds.
Those four simple words hallow a pit in my stomach. They are vague enough to hold more than one meaning. “Why?”
He takes the leads from me and we continue back toward the others. I swallow, clasping my hands together to keep from fidgeting.
“Simple,” he says with a half laugh. “You are reckless, spiteful, sharp with your words, impulsive, rude… You are the farthest thing from a lady, demons and saints, you’re practically feral.” He laughs as he lists nothing but negative traits, ticking each attribute off on his fingers.
I glare.
The humor fades from his expression, darkening his eyes as his mouth tugs down at the corners. “And you have the wicked heart of a vampire in you, but most importantly, little bird, I admire how you will go to the ends of the earth for those you care about. I should be so lucky to one day find myself on the receiving end of that trait as I have all your others.” He lowers his voice even further and adds, “These are no doubt the very qualities that captured the heart of our dear prince.”
I don’t know how to respond to that, so I say nothing.
We approach the others. Both Della and Lawrence avoid my eyes as they mount their horses. Without a word, they urge the beasts into a trot, giving us space. My face warms wondering if they overheard our conversation.
Cassius leaps up onto our horse and extends his hand, then lifts me into the saddle in front of him.
“You’ve been more of a friend to me than I thought possible. I didn’t trust you at first, but I don’t…” I trail off as he urges the horse to move into a steady gallop.
Cassius grins broadly. “The only thing I ask of you is your friendship. If I have that, then I know my life is safe in your hands.”
“Then you have it.” I might be half mad to offer, but he has proven himself in a short time—even if he does give me too much credit. I am only human and lack any power that comes close to that of a vampire. Cassius is second only to Alaric of all Elizabeth’s creations.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks abruptly.
“Doing what?”
Cassius gives me a disapproving look then juts his chin out toward the forest.
“He loves me,” I say as if it’s an answer.
I owe him. Alaric has done everything for me. He is the best friend I’ve ever had, and better than I deserve. I can’t leave him to the one fate he dreads.
“And you love him,” Cassius says, then adds, “Most people will never get the chance to see if their love is real enough that they would risk everything for it.”
His words strike me like a punch to the chest.
Demon shit.
Beyond the doubts and uncertainty, the truth was always there, hidden by a veil of fear. Fear that the mark would manipulate our friendship into something that was not real.
But I loved him even when I thought he would never feel the same.
When I saw him with the queen and they looked like lovers, I still wanted to be with him, no matter the cost, because it would hurt more to leave.
Whether our feelings were forged by the mark or existed before—it is real.