Page 17 of The Vampire Oath

“No thank you,” I say, flattening my palms on the tops of my thighs.

The queen looks like any other young noble woman, no older than I am. It’s strange to think that Elizabeth has more power than anyone else in the world. She is responsible for every single vampire that has ever lived or ever will live.

“Drink,” she says sweetly.

“I’m not—”

Her eyes narrow, flashing a crimson ring around the lavender irises. “I see Cassius has failed to do his job satisfactorily. He will force me to put him down at this rate,” she mumbles against her porcelain cup as she takes another sip.

“What?” The word leaps from my tongue before I can stop myself.

Elizabeth sets her cup down and dabs the corner of her heart-shaped mouth with her napkin before looking at me. “Cassius did not tell you?” She quirks a perfectly shaped golden brow, her lip twitching into a sneer. “He was supposed to have trained you to behave.”

She is threatening Cassius. I hold no love for the man, but I believe him when he says he is my ally. He might think he’s safe from Elizabeth’s wrath, but I don’t doubt the lengths she would go to in order to punish me and keep Alaric on a tight leash.

“He is—he did…” I stutter. “I’m nervous.”

That brings a smile to her face. “Nonsense.” She waves a hand. “Relax, girl. I have come to deliver a gift to you.”

My pulse kicks up, and I focus on calming it. “Why would you want to give me anything?”

“I have sent for our beloved crown prince. He should be here shortly.”

Nerves prickle down my spine. I’m not sure what to say that wouldn’t make things worse. I pick up my cup and take a sip, waiting for her to reveal more.

“Let’s not mince words. My prince wishes to remain your master for the rest of your short life, and it’s pathetically obvious that you have grown quite attached to him.”

I sputter, nearly choking on the tea. Setting it back down, I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

“What would you do to have him back?” she asks. Her tone is almost bored.

I lean forward, unable to help myself, and whisper, “Anything.”

Her face brightens, only adding to my curiosity. “Good,” Elizabeth says then claps her hands twice.

A moment later, the door opens. It’s not Alaric but the man servant again. This time, he carries a small wooden box with intricate designs carved into it.

He presents the box to her on the table, taking away the tea and cookies to clear the surface. He bows to Elizabeth then vanishes back out the door.

“I don’t understand. Alaric’s coronation, the oath binding… I thought…”

Elizabeth ignores me completely. Her long, thin fingers lift the lid. Lavender eyes gleam brightly.

Whatever is inside the box cannot be good.

Reaching in, she pulls out a small vial. Dark liquid sloshes inside the deep forest green glass with a cork.

“This is for you.” Elizabeth holds it out to me. My mouth is suddenly dry, and I wish I had a bucket of tea to quench my nervous thirst. “Take it.”

I reach out slowly, my hand trembling. If the queen notices, she doesn’t let on.

“I know you think me cruel, and admittedly my past is colorful, but even I know compromises must be made for Alaric’s sake. If I am to release him to you, I must know that you are deserving.”

“Release him?” I ask dumbly.

She nods, offering a sweet smile. “I created him to be my prince. It is fated, but I am not so evil as to deny him what he wants.” Elizabeth smooths her hands down her bodice. “You are human, and as such, will one day die from illness or age. After your death, Alaric will take his rightful place. I waited for him for over one hundred and seventy years, a few more decades are nothing if it means his willing return. It is the least I can do for him… but I must know if you are worthy.”

I examine the substance inside and realize it’s not water. It’s too thick and too dark.