Page 25 of The Vampire Oath

I don’t know if that is their doing or that the band holds so much power it can barely be contained.

Turning my wrist, the ring slides from my palm. It chimes as it hits the stone and bounces.

“Try to manipulate me again, and I will never trust you even if this works.” Then I step out of the cell and slam the door behind me. A plan is already taking shape.

Tomorrow night I will leave. That should give me sufficient time to rest and get everything I need together.

* * *

“Get up,” Cassius’s voice bites out.

I groan and roll away from him, pulling my blankets higher. “Tired,” I mumble.

A hand strokes down my arm right before the blankets are ripped away. My eyes fly open as chilly morning air chases away any semblance of warmth.

I sit up and glare at him. “I didn’t think we were training today. You said I needed to rest.”

“You can’t be that tired if it took you hours to get back to your room last night.”

I must have been with Varin longer than I realized.

“I was feeling stronger from walking and wanted to test that…”

Twisting my fingers, I break off, hoping he can’t see through my mumbling to the lie that it is. Cassius narrows his gaze while I stretch and make a show of nonchalance.

“I will be down in the training room soon,” I say, running my fingers through my hair to work out the tangles.

Rather than leaving, Cassius takes a seat on the foot of the bed, resting an ankle over his knee and leaning back. “I will escort you. I need to evaluate how strong you are in order to avoid pushing you too hard.”

Clearing my throat, I cross my arms under my chest, arching a brow when he doesn’t move. Cassius mirrors the look, clearly not understanding my issue with his presence.

I twirl my finger. “Evaluate me all you like, but I’m sure you can restrain yourself until after I am dressed.”

Cassius rises, eyes widening before he strides past me to stand at the door. His long, pale hair is pulled back with a thin leather tie at the nape of his neck and hangs neatly down the center of his back.

I hurry and dress, well aware he is listening to see if I am winded by the simple task.

We stop by the kitchens to grab an apple that I devour before we reach the training room. The whole way there, I try to ignore the way he studies me like an animal in a cage.

I follow every order he gives, putting every bit of effort into executing each blocking technique he shows me until I master the smallest move. Today, I am the ideal human.

Crouching into position, I ready for the next attack. Cassius surprises me when he straightens and waves his hand.

“That is enough for today,” he says. “You did well today… I’m impressed your effort. It’s so unlike you.”

I shrug one shoulder, choosing to ignore how his eyes narrow on the last four words. Even I’m amazed to find I feel as good as usual. Maybe even better.

“You seem strong enough, but I don’t want to take chances.” Cassius eyes me. “We’ll cancel training for the rest of the day. We’ll resume tomorrow.”

I hold my breath, careful not to give away my excitement. This is the opportunity I need.

Once we finish putting the equipment away, I move toward the door, mentally ticking off the list of things I will need to gather before tonight.

Cassius’s palm presses against the door, holding it shut. I turn to find him nearly pressed up against me.

“How are you feeling?” he asks. “You were poisoned with demon blood almost two nights ago.”

Offering him my best grin, I say, “I promise I am fine. There’s no need to worry.”