Page 41 of Inevitable

Aria glares. “Okay. I don’t know why you felt the need to come and tell me that right this instant.”

I chuckle, winking. “It’s not like I haven’t seen you naked, princess.”

“Get out,” she snaps at me before her eyes move to Baron and soften. “Love you, bambino mio.” The difference in her tone when dealing with me and then our son has me shaking my head and laughing harder as I leave my princess to her bath.

Heading back to the lounge, I grab Baron’s bag of things and then head to the guest bathroom, where I make quick work of running him a small bath and getting him cleaned. My chest tightens as I wash his small body. I missed all this for the last year, and I am man enough to admit that it kills me every time I do something as normal as this. Knowing that I never got the chance to give him his first bath or first anything? Well, it kills me a little inside.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I scoop him up and wrap him in a towel. Striding into the bedroom, I lay him in the middle of the bed and dry him before grabbing the diaper and his sleepsuit I laid out and putting them on him. After he is dressed, we make our way back into the lounge area. Dropping down on the couch with Baron in my arms, everything feels right in the world. All that’s missing is my princess snuggled up beside us. I am hoping within the next thirty minutes, that will be a reality.

Fishing my cell from my pocket, I pull up the Door Dash app and order a pizza. Baron gets restless in my arms, squirming, so I place him on the floor in front of me. At lightning speed, he races around the room, making me chuckle. The way he army crawls when he loses balance on his knees is just about the cutest thing I have ever seen. I watch after him, mesmerized by my son. I sigh.My son. It still feels surreal that I made him. Thatmyblood runs through his veins.

“What are you doing?” Aria’s soft voice has my head snapping to her.

I smile, my eyes moving over every part of her body. Jesus, she is the hottest thing I have ever seen. Always has been. With her perfect body and face, everything about her does it for me. “When will he start walking?” I ask.

Her brows furrow as if she didn’t expect me to say that. “Hmm, anytime soon really. The pediatrician says his progress is right on schedule. If you haven’t noticed, he is a little speed demon with his crawl, and in the last week, he is trying to climb everything. Scares me to death.”

I snort. “I know. I nearly had a heart attack when he pulled himself up the bed just now.”

I feel Aria drop down beside me, my eyes never leaving our son. “He is going to fall and bump himself, Bishop. It’s all part of growing up and learning.”

“I know, but it doesn’t mean it won’t hurt me seeing it.”

A hand lands on my arm. I glance over at my girl, who wears a soft smile. “We might not be in the best place right now, but you are a good father. I just wanted you to know that.”

Reaching up, I grab her hand, bringing it to my mouth for a kiss. “And you are the best mama our son could ever have.”

* * *

After eating pizza, giving Baron little snacks and his own dinner, and watching an animated film about zoo animals, I put Baron to bed. He fell asleep not even thirty minutes into the movie, snuggled up in my arms. Aria took a little more time to relax and eventually followed our son, falling asleep about an hour after I hit play. It was the happiest I have been in a long time. Baron in my arms, my princess fast asleep beside me, her head resting on my shoulder.

Gently shifting so I don’t wake my sleeping beauty, I make my way to the guest room—Baron’s room for the night—and slowly place him inside the crib. Staring down at him, my heart feels so full. I love him so much. I love my princess so much. Between them both, they own every single piece of my heart.

Dropping a kiss to his forehead, I whisper a goodnight and head back to the lounge, where I scoop up Aria. Bringing her close to my chest, she mumbles something incoherent. I plant a kiss on her cute little nose as I stride to the master suite. Reaching down, I flip the blanket and place her down on the bed. Her eyes snap open, landing on me. Confusion mars her face as she takes me in. “Bishop?” she murmurs.

Pushing off my sweats, I slide in beside her, pulling the comforter over us. I wrap her in my arms and pull her into me. “Yeah, baby?”

“Make love to me.” Her raspy voice goes right to my cock, and I harden instantly. Pushing up, I look down at her. Aria is stubborn, and she has fought me every step of the way so far, so her words make me pause. She is half asleep, but as if she can tell I am staring at her, her lips curve into a smile. “I won’t ask again, Bishop. You may as well take advantage of what must be me having a complete brain frazzle and get to it.”

Without saying anything, I flip her onto her back. Kicking off my boxer briefs, I am on her in the next second, wedging myself between her thighs. She blinks up at me, all sleepy and cute. “I will make nice slow love to you, princess, just like you asked, but after that, I am going to fuck you how you like it. Hard, fast, and deep. You will never get me out of you, baby. I am going to imprint my cock inside your pussy so you will never want anyone else,” I growl as I pull down her little camisole and expose her perfect breasts. I briefly wonder if she is still producing milk, and if so, what it would taste like. I didn’t know I had a lactating kink, but with Aria, I want to try everything. She is my kink. Not wasting another second, I dip down, taking a nipple into my mouth. I suck hard, trying to suck any milk out of her.

She gasps beneath me. “Careful, my breasts are still sensitive and…” She trails off.

Releasing the perfect bud, I look up at her. “And what?”

She blushes. “I still leak sometimes.”

I smirk. “Good. I want to taste your milk.”

Her face screws up. “What?”

“I want to taste your breast milk,” I enunciate the words. Aria tries to push me away, but I’m not having it. “Stop. I want all of you, princess, and that means tasting every part of you. Including your milk.”

She sighs. “Since when did you get even kinkier?”

I chuckle. “Baby, it’s you. You bring out a side of me that I can’t explain. I just know I want to try it all with you.”

“Whatever. Just be careful. They are still tender.” She relaxes on the mattress, her big, blue-gray eyes staring up at me. I smirk, dipping down and taking a perfect, dusky nipple into my mouth. I suckle on the tight bud, my tongue lapping at the hard flesh. My cock turns to stone, and I have never been turned on more in my life. “Bishop,” Aria moans as she squirms beneath me. I know what she wants. Me inside her. Pounding her tight cunt until she creams around me.