Page 19 of Inevitable



He is just across the hall.

The man who has my heart, even if I don’t want him to, is just across the hall, watching our son sleep. My chest tightens as emotion clogs my throat and tears leak from my eyes. I never thought this day would come. Seeing my son with his dad, I can’t begin to explain how it made me feel.

It was everything and more.

I can only hope Bishop is going to stay around.

Baron looks so much like his father. Same eyes. Same hair. He is Bishop’s mini-me. Every day looking at him, seeing Bishop, sometimes it would hurt remembering that I had lost him. But then, my son would do something as small as smile at me, and I shoved the hurt away and remembered what I had gained. I may love Bishop, but my son is the love of my life.

A little while later, I pad across the hall to Baron’s room to check on them. I haven’t heard anything on the monitor but still. Pushing the door open, I freeze when I find the rocking chair pulled close to the crib and Bishop asleep in it. Tiptoeing closer, I smile when I find Baron also asleep. Glancing between them, I study both their faces, shaking my head with a grin when I realize they wear the same look in slumber.

Checking my son one more time, I turn to leave the room, only to yelp when a hand darts out and wraps around my wrist. My eyes snap to Bishop, and I glare. “Jesus, you scared me. You could have spoken instead of just grabbing me. My scream could have woken Baron.” I look at our son to check he isn’t awake. Fortunately, he is still fast asleep, and by Bishop’s smirk, he knows it.

“We need to talk, princess.”

Yanking my arm out of his grip, I scowl. “We have spoken, Bishop. What else is there to talk about?”

He pushes out of the rocker and steps toward me. His eyes look predatory, but I stand my ground, only to falter when he moves so close, I feel his hot breath when his mouth drops to my ear and makes me shiver. I feel rather than see the smile on his lips. “We have plenty to talk about, princess. Do you really think I am just going to walk away now? I want youboth.We are a family. And I mean that in every sense of the word. I will not stop until I have you as mine. That means back in my bed, in my arms, with my cock, tongue, and fingers inside you.” My pussy clenches on its own accord at his words. The traitor. “You may think that I will just walk away andco-parentas you put it, but I won’t. You are mine, and I intend to remind you of that fact.” He pulls back, his face cocky and smug as if what he is saying is a done deal. He reaches a finger up and runs it down my face. My eyes close, soaking in his touch. “Your body tells me all I need to know, baby. It’s your mind that needs convincing.”

My eyes snap open. I take a step back, putting some space between us. “Stop. Just stop.” My voice is a plea. “It was hard enough getting over you once. I won’t do it again. I told you; you can be here for Baron as much as you want. But as for me and you? We are done. We both need to move on.”

His eyes flare with anger, and he bares his teeth. “I won’t move on, and neither will you. We belong together, and I will prove that to you. Take this as a warning, princess. If I see any man so much as looking at you in a way I don’t like, he will have signed his death warrant.” He leans in close again. “I will fucking kill anyone who thinks they can so much as touch what is mine.” The conviction in his voice makes me believe his threat.

But fuck him. He doesn’t get to do this to me. He is the one who messed us up. I grin. “It’s a good thing I am not yours then.” With that, I glance at our sleeping son and leave the room.

* * *

“How is it going?” Mama asks as I grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

I shrug, moving to the stools at the counter to sit down next to her. “Okay, I think. No surprise but Bishop seems enamored with Baron. I knew he looked like Bishop, but seeing them together…” I shake my head, a small smile tipping my lips. “He is literally his mini-me, which is not fair, considering I carried him for nine months and have been his only parent since birth.”

Mama chuckles, knocking me with her shoulder. “My grandson is gorgeous, no matter what. And he has some of your features, tesoro. Maybe you don’t see it, but I do.”

I open my mouth to reply when a masculine voice sounds. My head snaps up, landing on Bishop with our son in his arms. “Your mama is right, princess.” I freeze at him calling me that in front of my mom. “He has your nose.” He smiles as he moves deeper into the kitchen. “I think he is hungry. I already changed his diaper.” I stare at him in shock. He changed his diaper. Not even an hour ago, I was explaining what teething was. As if reading my mind, he says, “Don’t worry, I figured it out.” He winks, and a pulse starts between my legs. “Hey, Mrs. Maxwell.” His eyes go to my mama, and he smiles that panty-dropping smile.

“Bishop, nice to see you again.”

In that moment, Baron cries, and I jump into action, pulling out the premade Pureed carrots, potato, and chicken that I blended this morning. Glancing at Bishop, I say, “Can you pop him in his highchair?” I jerk my head to the seat hidden behind the counter.

Bishop follows my line of sight and moves toward it. He stares at it, his brows furrowing. I chuckle as I move toward them. “Here, take this.” I hand him the bowl of food. Taking Baron, I pop him in his seat and then strap him in.

“I could have done that if you had showed me,” Bishop grumbles. The look in his eyes has emotion gripping my throat. He wants to do this. To learn how to do these things for his son. I know it should be a given but still, something inside me softens.

“Next time. You can feed him if you like?” I ask while grabbing Baron’s bib and popping it on him.

Bishop’s eyes light up as he smiles. “Please. I would love that.”

I nod. “Use the spoon and give him little mouthfuls. He likes this one, so there should be no trouble with him eating it.” I remember some of the food I blended that did not go down well.

Bishop gets to work feeding our son, and I take a seat back on the stool by my mama. She eyes me knowingly before her soft gaze moves to father and son. “How have you been, Bishop?”

Bishop glances at her quickly before his eyes go back to Baron. “Not bad. I still can’t believe I have a son, though.” He smiles in awe at his son.

Mama chuckles softly. “I know I am probably biased, but he is amazing. Such a happy little boy. Aria is a great mama to him.”