Page 60 of Inevitable


Edward is by Aria’s side in the next second, and I clench my jaw when he takes her arm, then bite back a warning hiss when she allows him to lead her into the lobby and to the elevator. I trail behind them, feeling helpless. Why is she letting her guard help her, but when I try, she snaps at me?

Guess it’s because Edward hasn’t let her down like I have. Again, I can’t blame her, but it sucks that she is acting like this. I just want to throw her over my shoulder and take her and Baron somewhere so we can be on our own. But I know in doing that, it will just anger her further. I need to be patient right now. Even if it is taking all my self-control.

The ride up to the penthouse is silent. I sneak glances at my princess, but her eyes stay locked on her cell until we come to a stop, and the doors slide open. Edward takes her arm again, and it takes everything in me not to rip it from him. The man is lucky that I am more concerned with Aria’s comfort right now, because Christ, I want to beat his smug ass. And I know he is smug. It fucking emanates from him like a whole other being. That plus the smirk playing on his lips? The man clearly has a death wish.


Moving past them, I come to a stop outside the door and wave the entry fob in front of the keypad. Elena gave it to me—much to Christian’s annoyance—when I informed them, I would be collecting Aria from the hospital. A click sounds, and I push, holding it open so my princess can enter. She shoots me a small smile and whispers, “Thank you,” as she and Edward enter.

Within seconds, I hear footsteps sound on the marble tiles. My head snaps up, landing on Christian, Elena, and Evan, who has my son in his arms. “Sweetheart,” Christian drawls at the same time Elena says, “Tesoro,” and carefully wraps her arms around her daughter.

Releasing the door, I move further inside and toward Evan, plucking my son out of his hold. “Hey, little man. Mama’s home,” I murmur as I press a kiss to his forehead and breathe him in. My son gives me the strength that I have a feeling I will need going forward. We may be over the worst, but something tells me that I have a long way to go before my princess forgives me. Before everything is perfect.

I will endure whatever she throws my way. Because she is worth it. And I know that no matter what happens, Aria and Baron are mine. They always will be.

And I will fight for them until my very last breath.

Glancing up, my eyes lock on Aria, who is already watching me. The dismissiveness, anger, and confusion that was written all over her face earlier has now been replaced by what looks to be serenity with a hint of contentment and… relief?

“Hey, baby,” she murmurs, closing the distance between us. She nuzzles his neck but doesn’t take him, no doubt due to the pain and her injury.

“Shall we go into the lounge? You can sit on the couch and hold Baron,” I say softly, not wanting to make her feel that she isn’t capable of looking after our son. But I do want to make sure she knows that I am looking out for her. That I want her to be as comfortable as possible when holding Baron.

Her eyes meet mine. She blows out a breath and flashes a grateful smile. “Yes, please. I don’t think I have the strength to hold him.”

I nod, moving Baron to my right hip as I reach down and lace my fingers with Aria’s. She freezes slightly before relaxing as I lead her down the hall toward the lounge. Her family follows us, and I wish we had our own place. A home where we can be on our own without her family fussing over her. It’s a silly thought, but I feel jealous of them. The adoration and love they all have for one another. The way boundaries don’t seem to exist amongst this family, and they can’t just give us time alone. I can admit that I want Aria and Baron all to myself. It’s selfish of me, but I have never pretended to be anything else when it comes to my girl and son.

I get my princess situated on the couch, dropping down beside her with Baron on my lap. Aria makes grabby hands at me, and I give her what she wants, passing over our son for her to hold. She pulls him in close, breathing him in just like I did in the foyer. I watch her with him. The love that radiates from her as she holds Baron. I don’t think I will ever get used to the feelings it provokes in me.

There is something to be said when watching the woman you love with your child. It does things to me. And not just to my heart and head but my cock is joining in on the action too, which is just inconvenient and awkward. I inwardly groan, willing my dick to back off as I feel it pulse.


I jump up off the couch, and all eyes come to me. Clearing my throat, I say, “I just need to use the bathroom,” before I hightail it out of there with my now very hard cock.



Frowning, I stare at where Bishop just disappeared. I don’t know what is wrong with him, but he literally ran out of here. I hope he isn’t hiding anything else from me. He promised to be completely honest with me going forward, but I am still wary. It’s going to take time to trust him again.

Guilt consumes me, even though it shouldn’t. I have every reason to feel the way I do but I can’t help but feel shame at how I am acting toward Bishop. I am fully aware of how cold and distant I am being when he has only got good intentions and is only trying to look after me. I feel angry, though. At Bishop. At being shot. At his father for going to such extremes. And most of all, at me.

It’s ridiculous, I know. I have no reason to feel fury toward myself, but I do. If I hadn’t been so naïve toward Bishop’s situation, then I may not have been shot. What if my naivety had ended up with Baron getting hurt? My veins turn to ice at the thought, and I shake it away before it completely cripples me. My baby is fine. He is safe. No matter what has happened, I know Bishop will keep us safe. I need to trust in that—otherwise, I am going to lose my mind.

“How are you feeling, tesoro?” I turn my head and focus on my mama.

Clearing my throat, I say, “Better. Glad to be home.” I stare down at my son, who is now wriggling in my arms. “Do you want to get down?”

He squeals, making me smile. It’s my first real smile before I ended up the hospital, and I place him down on the floor. My eyes drop, landing on the lightly stained carpet where the rug doesn’t quite cover it. The exact spot I fell and bled out. My parents may have had it cleaned, but I can still see the faint trace of my blood. I freeze, all the air leaving my lungs as my heart pounds in my chest.

For a minute there, I had forgotten that this was the room. The place where I was nearly killed. My gaze moves to the window. There is no sign of where the bullet must have entered and the glass shattered. It’s been replaced as if nothing ever happened. I swallow. Hard. Not sure how I feel about being here right now, but I know it may be too soon. And now I watch as my baby crawls around in the same spot his mama nearly lost her life. My pulse kicks up, and I try to tamper down the anxiety I feel. We are okay. My son is okay. I swallow again, my throat now dry as panic claws at me. Jesus. I need to get a hold of myself. I am safe, and Calvin Hastings can no longer harm me. He is dead. Gone. Never coming back.

“If you need anything or you feel any kind of pain, sweetheart, you let us know. I have our private doctor on call to make sure you are comfortable.” My father smiles at me.

I nod. “Thank you. I will.”