Page 57 of Inevitable

The woman snorts, making my pulse spike. “No. She isn’t. The hospital has been instructed to give only her immediate family information.”

I slap my palms down on her counter, and she jumps, her eyes widening. A hand clamps down on my shoulder, and I know it’s one of my friends, silently asking me to keep my cool. I take a breath, praying for a calm I don’t feel. “I need to see her. Can you at least tell me if she is alive?”

Her eyes soften, and I think she is going to tell me, but then they harden again. I have never been violent to a woman in my life, but in this moment, I want to throttle her. “No. I already told you that I can’t give out any information, and if you don’t step away, I will call for security.”

My blood boils, and I open my mouth to shout at her, even though she is only doing her job when a soft, feminine voice sounds from behind me. “Bishop?”

I spin around so quickly, it makes me lightheaded. My eyes land on Thalia and Theo, and I have never been so happy to see them. I rush forward to her, needing answers. Theo reaches out, taking her hand and pulling her into him. It’s a protective move—one that has me frowning—but then I remember where we are and what happened. Do they know the shooting is because of my father? Shoving that thought aside, I ask the important question. “Is she alive? Please tell me she is alive,” I beg.

Thalia smiles sadly, making my heart jump, but then she nods and says the words that calm and fix me all at the same time. “She is.”

A breath whooshes out of me, and I collapse to the floor as emotion consumes me. My head drops into my hands, and tears prick my eyes. Aria is alive. My princess is alive. A soft hand lands on my shoulder, and I glance up, not caring that my tears are trailing down my cheeks. A real man shows his emotions for the woman he loves.

Thalia crouches in front of me, a soft smile curving her mouth. “Come on. I will take you up to see her.”

I nod, feeling dazed, but then I remember the other most important person in my life. “Where is my son?” I croak out around the lump in my throat.

“Back at the penthouse with my parents, brother, and a hundred-armed guards.” She chuckles, rolling her eyes. “Not really that many, but you get the picture. My father is on high alert after the shooting and is still trying to find out who is responsible and if there is still a threat against us.” She waves behind her. “Hence all the security detail.” It’s only then do I see the ten guards standing behind Theo, impassive but alert expressions on their faces. “Aria has a team outside her room also.”

“Take me to her.” It’s not a question, and Thalia knows it. Straightening, she jerks her head toward the elevator banks as I push to a stand.

“Come on. Let’s go,” she says, grabbing Theo’s hand. Pressing the button to the floor I assume my girl is on, it’s only seconds before the doors open and we step inside with only five of the guards. I assume the others will stay in reception and keep watch.

I glance up, my eyes landing on my friends. A little bit of guilt hits me. They have done so much for me, and I am just leaving them. I am sure they understand. Ryker’s words prove it when he speaks. “Go ahead, man. We will go and get settled in at the hotel.”

I smile my thanks and nod, unable to speak with the emotion flowing through me right now. So much has happened in the past twenty-four hours, I don’t know how I am still standing, how I am still alive. But I am grateful for it, all the same. God forbid if I had gone through with shooting myself. What if Ryker hadn’t gotten to me in time… I shake my head as if I can rid the thoughts from me. I can only console myself with the fact I was so out of my mind, and that’s why I even considered doing something so stupid.

But I am thinking clearly now. Everything has come into focus. All that matters is my woman and my son. I don’t care what happens within the brotherhood now that my father is gone, but I do know I don’t want anything to do with it. Ryker’s father can take the gavel. As far as I am concerned, the Hastings’ part in The Five Families died along with Calvin.

The elevator comes to a stop, pulling me from my thoughts. The security piles out first, followed by Thalia and Theo, then me. It’s only then that I realize we are on a private floor. Figures. The Maxwells would want to have keep this as discreet as possible.

I start after the entourage down the corridor. They do a left and come to a stop, parting in front of a door that has another set of guards out front. My heart pounds in my chest. My princess is behind that door. I am about to set eyes on her. My palms turn sweaty as nerves take flight in my stomach. I don’t know why I am nervous, but I am. Is it the fact that she has been hurt and I don’t know what I am walking into apart? Or is it because some place deep inside me, I know that she might blame me for this? She would be right to lay the blame at my feet because that’s where it is. I did this. I am responsible for her getting shot.

“Bishop?” Thalia’s voice sounds, dragging me from the dark place I just went. “Do you want to go in?”

I straighten my spine, steel myself, nod, and take a big breath. “Yes. Can you give us some privacy?”



I wake to a heavy presence, a tight grip on my hand, and a murmuring, remorseful voice. Peeling my heavy eyelids open, my gaze lands on Bishop. I can’t see his face because his head is bowed.

“Bishop?” I croak out past my dry throat.

His head snaps up. All the air leaves my lungs at the expression on his face and his watery eyes. Has he been crying? He shoots out of his chair, looming over me with a protective stance. One that would keep anyone who tried to harm me away.

Gently, his fingers wrap around my chin as he peppers kisses all over my face. “I thought I lost you.” His voice is quiet, broken. “Tell me what happened.”

Pulling out of his grip, I search his face. Tired, red eyes. Bruised face. Tight lips. Tension-filled features. He knows why I am in the hospital; I see it clearly in his strained countenance. “I tried calling you…a lot. Where have you been? And by the look on your face, I would take a wild guess and say you know exactly why I am here.” It’s an accusation, one I am right about, which he confirms with his next words.

His lips form a grim line, and he nods. “You guessed right. Now tell me what happened.” I hear the plea in his voice.

I sigh. “I was shot.” He flinches at the words as if they physically hurt him. “It missed any vital organs, thanks to my mama spilling her wine. I stood to clear the mess, so the bullet hit the fleshy part just below my rib cage. I have a couple of broken ribs from the impact, but I am still here, so that’s all that matters.” I finish almost nonchalantly like I don’t have a gunshot wound in my body.

Dropping back down in his seat, he scrubs a palm over his face. “I am so sorry, baby. You will never know how sorry.” Remorse and pain coat every word, and he blows out a breath, his glazed eyes meeting mine. “This is all my fault.” My heart rate kicks up, and I can’t hide it because the stupid machine beeps. Bishop frowns. “How are you feeling?”

I nod. “I am in a little bit of pain, but I feel okay.” I jerk my head to the morphine-filled IV drip. “The drugs are helping. Now continue.” My tone leaves no room for argument. I shouldn’t be pissed at him. I know it’s not technically his fault. If my suspicions are correct, I am here because of his father.