Page 47 of Inevitable

I release her and step back. “I know. But it’s not the same as having you in the city with me. I miss you.” Yes, I am being needy, but I don’t care. I love my sister.

“I miss you, too. We can video call. I flove you,” Thalia whispers.

“Flove you too.” I smile.

“Now let me have a cuddle with my nephew.” She moves past me, taking Baron from Bishop.

Noticing I’m upset, Bishop closes the distance between us and wraps me up in his strong arms. He brushes his lips against mine. “Are you okay?”

I sigh, averting my eyes. “Yeah. I just miss her when she is gone. It’s silly really.”

He grips my chin, bringing my gaze up to his. “Don’t downplay how you feel. Your feelings are valid.”

My palms come up, landing on his chest. “I will be okay. I’m just a little emotional. My sister leaves today. You tomorrow…” I trail off, leaving the words to float between us. He knows what I am saying, even when I am not saying it. I am scared. Anxious he won’t come back to us. Worried his father will pull some shit that gives him no other choice but to follow his wishes.

His lips press to mine, dragging me from my thoughts. “Stop. Everything is going to work out.” He repeats the words from earlier.

I open my mouth to answer, but Theo’s voice cuts me off. “Come on, piccola. Time to go.”

“Call us when you land, bambina,” Mama says, hugging my sister.

My father shakes Theo’s hand. “I will let you know our plans for visiting.”

“Of course. I will send you our schedule for the next couple of months and the events you have sponsored. It might be a good idea to time your visit to coincide with them so you can attend the prize giving,” Theo says.

Evan, who now holds Baron, bounces him on his hip as he grumbles out, “Jesus. Anyone would think we are never going to see you again.”

Thalia bursts out laughing, stepping into him as she plants a kiss on his cheek. “What happened to my overbearing, protective, big brother? You can’t wait to get rid of me now.”

“Yeah, well, I have nothing to protect you from. The asshole got you,” he retorts.

Theo shakes his head, a smile tipping his lips, and Thalia chuckles more. “Love you too, big brother.”

“Love you.” His gaze shifts to Theo, his eyes narrowing. “Look after my baby sister.”

“Always,” Theo responds coolly.

After that, it’s a flurry of movement and goodbyes, then they are gone.

“I am going to head home,” Evan announces as he reads something on his cell. My eyes narrow, and again, I wonder what is going on with him. I don’t have the chance to take him aside and ask right now because he leaves. Tomorrow though, I will go see him, talk to him, and hopefully find out what is up.

“Shall we give Baron a bath and get him changed for bed?” Bishop asks.

My eyes snap to him. He is holding our son, and I realize we are alone in the hallway. Where did my parents go?

“Sure,” I say. He eyes me curiously, and I know he wants to ask questions, but before he can speak, I turn and head to Baron’s room.

Heading straight to the adjoined bathroom, I run a small bath. I hear Bishop in the room talking to our son, but I feel in my own little world. I don’t know whether it’s the fact my sister has gone again or that I know Bishop will be leaving soon, but my mood has taken a nosedive, and I need to snap out of it.

“Is it ready for him?” I plaster on a smile before glancing up at my world. Dropping to my knees, I run my hand through the water to test the temperature.

“Yeah,” I say, finding it perfect for my son, and turn the faucet off. Bishop drops to his knees beside me and puts Baron in the tub. I smile as he splashes the water and reaches over to grab some of his bath toys, dropping them in with him. His eyes light up, and in that second, my mood lifts as I watch Baron grab at the assortment of toys. He makes my heart full. Even when I feel like I am breaking.

We make quick work of bathing him, then allow him a good five minutes to play before Bishop hoists him out, towels him off, and gets him ready for bed. Once we get him settled for the night and both read him a bedtime story, he finally falls asleep.

“He is adorable when he is tired.” Bishop chuckles as we step out of Baron’s room.

“He is. He was fighting it, though. He loves having his daddy around, and I could tell he didn’t want to sleep.” I force a laugh, but Bishop isn’t buying it.