Page 46 of Inevitable

“Don’t you start with the baby talk,” Thalia glares.

Whilst Theo says, “I know. I can’t wait to have our own.”

I chuckle, moving Aria and I further into the room as I respond to Thalia, “But they do. Look how good he is with Baron.”

“Stop,” she hisses before her brows furrow. “What happened to you?”

“Nothing,” I rush out, taking my son from Theo and pressing a kiss to his hair. “How’s my favorite boy?”

“Da, da, da,” he puffs out, and everything stops. Hearing those words is everything to me right now. To remind me to keep going even when things get tough.

“You are nearly their buddy,” I whisper around the lump in my throat.

A hand lands on my shoulder, and by the way my whole body lights up, I know it’s my princess. “Do you want to go and grab something to eat with my family before my sister and Theo leave? We are leaving in about an hour.” I nod, not able to get words out with the emotion coursing through me. It amazes me that my father thinks that I would ever give up my princess or son willingly. I would have to be dead, cold, and buried in the ground before I ever walked away from them. Aria smiles before pressing a kiss to my cheek. “Perfect. I am going to quickly change. Can you get Baron ready?”

I smile down at her before capturing her lips with mine. It’s only a chaste kiss but everything I need right now. “Sure.” Pulling back, I flash her a look that I hope conveys how much she means to me before she leaves the room.

“Please don’t hurt her again,” a feminine voice whispers.

My head snaps to Thalia. Theo holds her possessively in his arms as they both stare at me. I could be mean and tell her it’s none of her business, but I don’t want to deal with an angry Theo, so instead, I glance at my boy before my gaze goes back to the couple that should have never been together but are perfect for each other.

“Never. Aria and Baron are my life.”



I frown across the table at Bishop’s bruised face and busted lip. He is playing down what happened. His father is a piece of work, and I just know him sporting these injuries has something to do with me and the confrontation this morning.

I should walk away, allow him to do what his father asks of him. But how do you walk away from the person you love? The person that is the other half of your soul? I can’t. No matter how much I know it would make this whole situation better for Bishop. It’s selfish of me, I know. But if he is willing to fight for me, then I need to be prepared to do the same.

A hand clasping mine snaps me out of my thoughts, and my eyes land on the man who has my heart. He squeezes gently, no doubt noticing where my mind has gone. He has always been good at reading me. “Stop. Everything will work out.”

I plaster on a smile, lying with my next words. “I know.”

He eyes me for a long beat but doesn’t get a chance to respond as my father speaks. “So, Bishop, when are you heading back to Vegas?”

The whole table turns silent, all eyes on my man as everyone waits for a response. I give him credit; he doesn’t break under the attention of the whole Maxwell family and Theo. Instead, he clears his throat and answers with an even voice. “Tomorrow.” My face falls at hearing this, and he gives my hand another comforting squeeze. “But I will be back next week.” His words make the sadness I feel ease some. Jesus, I am pathetic. When did I become this needy of him?

A snort sounds, and I know it’s my brother without even looking. “Will you be married by the time you come back?” Evan goads.

Bishop, in his defense, keeps his cool and merely looks at him before his gaze comes back to me. “The only woman I will be marrying is the one in front of me.” My heart skips a beat. Bishop just announced in front of my family he will be marrying me.

“Well, that may be, but I would appreciate you asking for my blessing before you do that… and you sorting out your current situation,” my father drawls.

Bishop’s lips curve into a smile. “Of course, sir. Not that I need anyone’s blessing to marry Aria, but I will ask out of respect for her. I know how much it means to my princess that I do things the right way, and I also know how much she loves her family.”

I glance at my father. His jaw clenches, no doubt at the fact Bishop said he doesn’t need his approval, but he smooths it out and smiles. “Very well. Shall we order?” And just like that, the conversation is forgotten. I am glad about it. If the discussion about my and Bishop’s relationship had continued, I know my brother would have said more. I don’t know what is going on with him lately. He has been more volatile. More abrupt. I make a mental note to talk to him about it later. We have always been close. Although Evan was always more protective over Thalia, we are closer in age and have a good relationship.

The waitress makes her way over to our private table, and we all reel off our orders. Baron squeals, and I look up to find him in Evan’s arms as he blows raspberries into his neck. I smile, looking at all the people around the table. My heart swells with love. I am so lucky to have my family.

I couldn’t have gotten through the past year without them.

* * *

“I can’t believe you are going back already,” I whine as I hug my sister. It’s been nice having her around, and although she is only a video call away, I miss her when she is in Florida.

“You know you can always come to Wellington. Mama and Dad are coming out at some point to watch me compete.”